Coursework Title: Emerging Issues in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Coursework Weight: 50%
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Course work Task : From the topics listed below please choose one and write a research report using a case study either in manufacturing or service industry of your choice for example retail auto mobile aerospace agricultural hotels hospitals etc. In your report you should focus on developing a critical appreciation of the practice implemented with a relevant depth of knowledge. You should consider any emerging issue regarding global logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) and consider relevant LSCM theory to the discussion. You should obtain analyse and apply information from a variety of sources including publicly available material. A mix of journal papers books articles in magazines websites company brochures news papers etc. should be used. Your report should use the Harvard referencing style.
20BSP047 Emerging Issues In Global Logistics And Supply Chain Management Assignment – UK

Your report should discuss the main LSCM -related challenges faced by the chosen company or industry.
Explore what measures they have taken to address these challenges. It would be best to discuss in-depth
LSCM theory frame work or concepts which could be used to address these challenges. Based on your
analysis where possible suggest with justification what can be improved changed to mitigate the impacts
for future LSCM practices.
The case study should be up to 3,000(± 10%) words excluding references title page abstract table of
content abbreviation table etc.) but including figures and tables.You must highlight at least 10 research
paper which helped you to develop your understanding of the topic.
Topics (Only choose one of the following)
1.Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design
2.Sustainable Procurement
3.Circular Economy and Supply Chain
4.Resource (e.g., Energy, Water, GHG Emission) Efficient LSCM
5.Managing Emerging form of Risks, e.g., Climate Change, Water Risk, Sustainability Risk in LSCM
6.Impact of disruptive events such as Brexit, COVID, or US-China Trade war on LSCM
7.Emerging Technologies in LSCM, e.g., Blockchain, Industry 4.0
8.The Role of Big Data Analytics in LSCM
9.Sustainable Freight Transportation and Logistics
Guidance Notes
While the coursework is designed to be flexible and there is little restriction on the report’s format you should structure the report carefully, present evidence and data to support the points you are presenting,
use tables diagrams and appendices as appropriate. All material (academic and other) that you cite should be referenced correctly in the text and the reference list (in Harvard style) at the end of your report.
Word Count and Format
The case study should be up to 3,000(± 10%) words but including figures and tables. Please state the word count on the first page of your assignment. The word count excludes the references, title page, abstract table of content abbreviation table etc., or any appendices. However resist the temptation to put material that really should be in the main text into appendices.
Other Submission Details
Your report should be typed with a font size 12, 1.5 spacing and it must look professional. The report needs to be well structured and divided into multiple sections. Make sure that you write in a concise and
focused manner. You should look at the recent studies in LSCM from academic journals and magazines to
shape your argument and cite the literature in the report wherever appropriate.