217MANEL Project Management Assignment-Coventry University UK.

Assessment Brief:
This document is for CU Group students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to.
Module Title: Project Management
Module Code: 217MANSC/217MANEL
Weighting: 60%
Word Count: 3000 words
217MANEL Project Management Assignment-Coventry University UK.

217MANEL Project Management Assignment

The delivery of successful projects is often critical to business success. This assignment will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and application of the principles of project management. You are not required to deal with the budget as the finance director will set this. Although you should demonstrate how you will manage and monitor the budget, the team and risk etc.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:
1.Define a project, its characteristics and the role of the project manager.
2.Justify the application of the theoretical frameworks and methodologies within a project environment.
3.Critically evaluate the composition and management of teams in a project environment.
4.Formulate a project management plan.
5.Appraise measures to control and monitor project risk, quality, change and configuration.
6.Evaluate project success and failure and disseminate the key learning points from the delivery of the project.

Title: A Project Plan You have been appointed as Project Manager of a project to plan to carry out the project presented in Assignment 1. Using the organisation you have chosen you are to produce a Project Initiation Document (PID) of 3,000 words for this project. Your audience are the People Team who are keen to see the benefits that the project will deliver. In this PID you should cover learning outcomes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

If you are not able to complete your coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances, the ONLY way to receive an extension (up to 5 working days) or a deferral (anything longer than 5 working days)

  • Extenuating circumstances are defined by CU as ‘genuine circumstances beyond your control or ability to foresee, and which seriously impair your assessed work’
  • Please note that you will need to provide third party evidence to support your reasoning for requiring an extension or deferral.
  • Your course tutor is NOT able to approve an extension or a deferral, if you have not completed the official forms and had your request approved your work will count as not submitted and receive a zero mark.
217MANEL Project Management Assignment

217MANEL Project Management Assignment-Coventry University UK.

Plagiarism and Malpractice

  • You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on your Moodle Web.
  • Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by other
  • students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be reported to the academic conduct panel. This applies to all coursework and exam answers.
  • A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in class discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in you having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your own work.
  • If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original version and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts.
  • You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information.

Where earlier work by you is citable, ie. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism.

Points of consideration for the CW
Following the session discussions over the last couple of weeks please see below some points to consider in approaching your work. Note that there are some general suggestions you could consider as you begin your assignment, to get you thinking & is by no means a comprehensive list & you should build on it within your own assignments with what is expected from you in the brief & from the other assignments you would have done.

Please consider the following as a quick guide when approaching your assignment.Keep in mind that at this level the following is very important to ensure you deliver a strong report, you will need to engage in some critical evaluation, application & relevance of your points to your project.
Remember also that presentation, professional & academic skills (including referencing) are crucial. Along with this you will need to demonstrate as part of a professional report, numeracy, digital skills. Please take a look at any extra reading/templates suggested by tutors. The material should not
be considered as the answer but as guidance to help get your started on your own reading/research around the topic & project. Remember though, this is just a guidance & not the answers, & you will need to carry out
extensive research to deliver a robust piece of work.

Understand that, as discussed, this is your work & all we can give you is suggestions that we discussed, that you may wish to consider for your project. Understand that as this is your work all we can give you is suggestions that hopefully will get you to think about the project/assignment that you want to write about. What we suggest should not be taken as the literal answer for what you want to present. You need to have your own approach & research that is relevant to what you want to say & achieve.

Report considerations
Some general suggestions you could consider as you begin your assignment, are;

  • Start early
  • Your cover page
  • Table of contents
  • Consider a Table of Figures
  • Page numbering
  • Executive summary
  • Company background
  • Introduction/contextualization & summaries to sections
  • Formatting – justify, look at your table slippage, table contents & numbering sections / sub-sections – to tidy up, use colours & present beautifully.
  • Each section to start on a new page & is clearly labelled & shown.
  • Academic referencing – these are critical as it is a piece of academic work that is being marked
  • Critically analyse & apply to your circumstance/ project. Otherwise, it just becomes theory dump.
  • Label & apply all tables & figures.
  • Best Practice – Consider using example of good/ best practice/ benchmarks to show wider reading & support your arguments.
  • Signpost – make it easy to find the information.
  • Low plagiarism score.

Task Requirements: Overall word count = 3,000

Format:A professional Project Initiation Report/Document [PID] to People Team recommending the project – changing from cubicle working space to an open plan office. A short-term project 1 – 3 months.
Note: This is an extended report of what you presented in week 3.

Present it beautifully!
The tasks should be presented in the style of a formal report addressing to People Team. Use business English and write in the third person e.g. “It is recommended that…” not, “I think we should do this…” Ensure your tasks are clearly signposted for the examiner by using good formatting, headings, and titles that relate to the assignment question.

217MANEL Project Management Assignment-Coventry University UK.

217MANEL Project Management Assignment

Assignment Sections – Points for Consideration
Project Plan – The project will be delivered via the following. Consider the following list and mention as and where required
 Scope
 (Weekly) meetings- show in the activity
 Activity/issues log – to control the project – find a template
 Project Selection
 Analysis: Stakeholder, Risks/Constraints
 SMART objectives of the project
 Appoint a project manager
 Start & end dates – duration of the project
 Methodology/ies employed to complete the project [from the initiation to closing]
 Project budget and allocation
 Project implementation
 Project termination
 Project evaluation

  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Risks/Constraints Analysis (Internal & external)
  • Conclusion

Cover page List of tables, diagrams etc. Executive summary Content page Section 1: Introduction: What is the Project all About?

  • Project Title
  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Objectives- SMART- (and how they will be measured)
  • Project Scope
  • Deliverables (including dates of completion)
  • Constraints
  • Assumptions

Section 2: Project rationale: Why Should This Project go Ahead? Business Case:

  • Reason for project
  • Options/approach
  • Benefits from the project
  • Cost
  • Timescale

Risk Analysis:

  • Risk Identification and Source of Risk
  • Risk Prevention
  • Risk Control/Management/Monitoring
  • Contingency planning

Section 3: Project stakeholders and mapping

  • Who the stakeholders are
  • How they influence on/benefit from the project
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Project Organization: Chart/Structure e.g. Project Sponsor, Manager, Team

Section 4: Project plan and management
How and When Will the Project be Delivered/methodology?
Initial Project Plan Resources- 5 Ms of management – Men, Minutes, Machinery, Materials, Money (the budget)

217MANEL Project Management Assignment-Coventry University UK.

217MANEL Project Management Assignment
  • Finance
  • HR: Project Team, Support Staff, Additional Staff etc.
  • Other resources e.g. machinery, materials required
  • Schedule: activities and timelines (Gantt Chart)
  • Project /Quality Control: Monitoring Mechanisms
  • Communication Channels and Schedules

Section 5: Project evaluation and Closing
 Project evaluation
 Termination
 PIR [Post-Implementation Review]

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