245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment – Coventry University UK.

Subject Code & Title :- 245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice
Assessment Type :- Assignment Essay
Word Limit :- 3000 words
Summative Assessment
1.Your 3000 word essay will focus on the case study you have been provided with at the beginning of the module. You will have been used to working on this case study within small groups within seminars to help develop your thinking and understanding related to the Occupational Therapy process and application of theory. Please note that although you will be working together it is important that you do not share your work or copy each other as this could result in a referral to the academic conduct team if this is an issue within your summative work.
245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment – Coventry University UK.

245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment

2.You are required to justify a decision made in practice using theory and evidence to support your rationale and explain why the decision was made with your particular case study. We recommend that you use an intervention as this is the most straightforward decision to justify.

3.You do not need to introduce or explain the case study within your writing but you do need to clearly identify which case study you are using. You must also identify the specific intervention goal within your introduction to set the scene and clarify the context surrounding the intervention.

4.You need to write your work as an essay with an introduction, main body and conclusion and provide a reference list at the end. You will not need to use headings as this is an academic essay rather than a report.

5.You are not required to discuss and describe the whole Occupational Therapy process or what happened or make reference to each stage of the process.

6.Throughout your assignment you need to write in the third person.

7.You will choose one intervention and discuss this in depth. To keep this focused you need to choose a specific and clearly defined intervention For example: joining a gardening group. You need to link your intervention to occupation so that it is occupation focused – this can be linked directly for example gardening as a leisure pursuit or indirectly for example- provision of a bath board to promoting personal hygiene which will then encourage your case study to be able to engage in occupations of their choice.

8.You are required to justify your intervention in a way which demonstrates an occupational therapy perspective rather than discussing your rationale broadly.

9.Depth is needed rather than breadth for example -focusing on one particular intervention is important rather than a range of interventions.

10.The reasoned rationale is about discussing why a particular decision was made for your particular case study and justifying this with evidence. You must focus on why the decision was made and avoid the trap of just describing what the decision was.

11.You are advised to use the bubble diagram or your own mind map to plan and prepare for your assignment. This will help you to break down the different elements of your decision and then consider why this specific decision was made with your particular case study. You must support your rationale with evidence and theory from the published literature. Some of this may be within the module’s Moodle pages, but you are also expected to do your own wider reading

12.In considering evidence you are required to justify your chosen intervention goal and provide a rationale for your chosen intervention by using theory and evidence in relation to models, frames of reference, clinical reasoning and occupational science.

13.You must adhere to Coventry Harvard referencing and you must ensure that the work which you submit is your own. All cases of plagiarism or collusion will be referred to the academic conduct team and penalties will be applied.

245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment – Coventry University UK.

245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment


Please read these in conjunction with the assignment guidance and coursework briefing.

Q How should the assignment be structured?
A There is not one way to write this assignment as long as your emphasis is on justifying the intervention you have chosen and how the four areas of evidence can be used to justify this. Some people will structure their work around the four areas and then link these to their chosen intervention – other people will look at it differently for example- sport was chosen because it was meaningful to Mutende and then justify this using theory from occupational science (meaning), spirituality( model) for example. What you are not required to do is describe what a model is/FOR is and so on as this will not address the assignment brief.

Q For the assignment, do we refer to the name of the case study throughout. Or do we keep them anonymous throughout due to confidentiality?
A You can use the name of the case study throughout as it is not based upon a real person.

Q Would the neuro developmental For/Bo bath approach be suitable for a person with MS? I am aware that MS is a progressive neurological condition and ND For generally focuses on regaining function but I am struggling to think of other Fors that could be applicable, apart from client-centred For.
A The frame of reference would guide the intervention and therefore is inextricably linked to your intervention – so whilst the client centred, neuro developmental, bio mechanical, cognitive behavioural could all be suitable it will depend upon the chosen intervention.

Q Do we have to describe what occupational science is in the assignment?
A You don’t not need to describe occupational science generally – you need to consider the concepts which we discussed in the seminar (see seminar slides for that week) and how they can be used to justify why you have chosen your intervention-

Q I’m unsure as to what is the intervention goal? Is it what you hope to achieved once the intervention has been carried out?
A Once you have written your SMART goal- for example- for Mutende to be able to play a game of rugby with his rugby team for 30 minutes within 12 weeks You then have your intervention – for example- getting Mutende back into participating in rugby. So you might consider the following questions here and consider how to evidence them– Models theory- (MOHO) Why will rugby address issues around volition which Mutende has? Why will rugby address issues Mutende has with role and habits? Why will rugby be important in terms of Mutende’s occupational adaptation? Reasoning- why will rugby help with therapeutic emplotment process and Mutende’s life story? (Narrative reasoning) why will rugby be important in terms of Mutende’s diagnosis (scientific reasoning)… Occupational science-why will rugby be important in terms of Mutende’s occupational dysfunction /alienation etc… Frames of reference- …. What frames of reference underpin the choice of rugby for Mutende?

Q I just don’t understand how to write the assignment. I understand the purpose is to justify the intervention using methods such as clinical reasoning, FOR, models, occupational science etc however does some description have to come in as to how and why these methods are appropriate?
A You can define some of the key terms for example- occupational disruption and use a reference but you then need to apply this to why you have chosen your particular intervention.

245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment – Coventry University UK.

245OT Occupation Reasoning Theory & Practice Assignment

Q How many references we should use for a 3000 word essay – is there a general guide per paragraph?
A We don’t normally give a prescriptive answer to the number of references you would need to use. As you are justifying an intervention and providing evidence for this you need to reference where appropriate as you use evidence.

Q With your case study, can you sort of assume information you may have gained through narrative reasoning/information gathering? For example, to justify occupational science I am saying how Mutende has expressed his subjective experiences and symbolic meanings associated with cooking which would therefore support that as a choice for intervention.
A You can make some assumptions by reading between the lines of what you have been provided regarding the case study- what you can’t do though is make something up which does not relate to the case study at all.

Q In regards to the conclusion I’m unsure as to what we are expected to conclude?
A The conclusion is a summary of what you have covered in your essay.

245OT Occupation: Reasoning, Theory & Practice Assignment-Coventry University UK.

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