Module Name: Introduction to Internet and Web Development
Module Code: 4122COMP
Level: FHEQ4
Credit Rating: 20
Weighting: 50%
Maximum mark available: 100
Lecturer: Dr Thomas Hughes-Roberts
Contact: If you have any issues with this coursework you may contact your lecturer.
4122COMP Introduction To Internet And Web Development Assignment-Liverpool John Moores University UK.

Hand-out Date: 1st February 2021
Hand-in Date: 19th March 2021
Hand-in Method: Online Submission via Turnitin Assignment Handler on Canvas.
Feedback Method: Summative Feedback via electronic document to student’s e-mail.
BSc (Hons)/MComp Computer Science – Level 4 – Core Module
BSc (Hons)/MComp Software Engineering – Level 4 – Core Module
BSc (Hons)/MComp Computer Games Development– Level 4 – Core Module
You are required to research core technologies used in Web development and document the design of a server-side web application which will be using a PHP back-end with a modern HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript front-end, targeting the current version of the Google Chrome web browser.
This work is to be completed individually.
Learning Outcomes to be assessed
1.Appraise client-side technologies on the World Wide Web.
2.Describe server-side processing on the World Wide Web.
3.Describe and compare the behaviour of common internet communication protocols.
Detail of the task
In this assignment, you are required to write a technical design report which documents the design of a dynamic web application.
The technological and functional requirements relate to the development of a Game Console Recommendation Site. The design for the application needs to support content for ONE PARTICULAR GAME CONSOLE (you may choose between the PS4/Xbox One and Nintendo Switch) that provides useful information about the console itself and a set of recommended games.
You should also present additional content that is relevant to each game, such as providing a personal recommendation score.
Your application is expected to provide content on at least TEN individual game available on your chosen platform.
The specification for the application you are designing is detailed in the Application Requirements section later in this specification.
Detail of the Submission
There is ONE PART to this assignment:
This task involves the documentation of the design of the web application that will fulfil the functional requirements specified in the Detail of the Task section above. The document itself should be written in Microsoft Word and supported by diagrams and screenshots.
In particular, you are expected to use Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools such as Microsoft Visio and the Eclipse Model Development Tools (MDT) to construct industry-standard diagrams that describe:
- The interactions between the client and server.
- The data requirements of the application.
- The structure of the web application as a interacting set of server-side web pages.
- The layout of the pages which the application comprises.
It is suggested that you use a combination of Unified Modelling Language (UML) Diagrams and Web Design Diagram Types such as Wire frames and Site Maps to support your answer.
You are also expected to do some background research into the Internet Protocol Suite that underpins the technologies that are used to develop the application (as described in Assignment 1 and in the Application Requirements section below) and to research PHP techniques that are used
in web development.
4122COMP Introduction To Internet And Web Development Assignment-Liverpool John Moores University UK.

The report you are required to produce MUST contain the following non-trivial sections:
Section 1: Background Research
This section of the report will require you to research into two technical areas related to networking and web development respectively. For both sections, you should provide a technical analysis, covering the topics defined below. You should justify your analysis with reference to textbooks,
online articles from respected sources, using either Harvard or IEEE referencing – you may use any of the resources that have been made available to you on Canvas to help you.
Unless explicitly quoting a source, the analysis should be in YOUR OWN words – failure to adequately reference or using descriptions verbatim could potentially lead to academic misconduct due to plagiarism. You MAY use diagrams from these resources (with an appropriate reference) to support your answer.
- 1.1: Networking Technical Report: HTTP Protocol:In this section, you should construct a technical report describing the fundamental principles behind the HTTP Protocol. In particular,you should cover the following topics for a complete answer:
- Definition of the Protocol Acronym and associated network layer.
- Illustration of Machine to Machine interactions using this protocol.
- How HTTP fits into the internet hourglass.
- How HTTP is used for Web communication.
- Describes HTTP as a Stateless protocol the impact this has.
- Technical Details of the two main Request methods of this protocol
- The purpose of status codes in the protocol
- Any other technical details that you feel are important to providing a detailed overview of the protocol
- 1.2: Web Technology Technical Report: Session Management in PHP:In this section,you should write a technical report describing the fundamental principles of Managing user sessions in PHP. In particular,
In particular, you should cover the following topics for a complete answer: - Why we need to use Sessions – what limitation of HTML/HTTP are we overcoming?
- How is session data stored and how do we associate a particular user with a session.
- Description of how a session is started and maintained in a PHP web application.
- Description of how we can store user data in a session and what are the common types of data stored.
- Description of how we can read user data and provide an example of where we might use this data.
You should use PHP code snippets, to help support your answer.
This section of the report is expected to be around 1000-2000 words in length, however, this is neither a strict upper nor lower bound.
You should carefully study the Application Requirements before attempting the following sections of the report.
Section 2: Server-side Design.
o 2.1: Data Requirements Class Diagram: In this section, use a conceptual Class Diagram to present the server-side representation of your application data. You should describe the data representation required to populate the following web pages, you are expected to adopt an OBJECT-CENTRIC view of this data:
o The console games you are representing
o The key facts associated with each game.
o The recommendation of the game (both content and score)
o The external reviews associated with the game
o The retail information associated with the game.
o A user’s own review and score of a particular game.
o The ranking system applied to the scores from the different reviews/recommendations associated with each game.
o The user’s profile.
Your diagram should specify any relationships (e.g. composition / aggregation / inheritance) that exist between these items.
o 2.2: Examples of the Class Data
Using the classes, you have derived in section 2.1, you should illustrate the data held by a typical instance of EACH class, you should provide at least TWO examples in each case. A common way of doing this to use a table, where the fields of the classes make up the columns, and the instances represent the rows.
o 2.3: Site Map: In this section, you should describe how the functionality of the application is split across a set of PHP pages and the purpose of each page. You should also illustrate the link structure of your site (how the pages are connected to each other, with examples of the data that is transmitted in the HTTP GET/POST Requests from one page to another (if any)).The Conceptual Web Site template in Visio, with some annotation on connectors, is suitable for this purpose.
o 2.4: Server-Side Logic Activity Diagram:
Use an Activity diagram to show the workflow for how the server generates the following page:
o Presenting the game editorial recommendation and recommendation score view of the highest scoring game.
Section 3: Client-side Design
- 3.1: Client-Side Logic Activity Diagram:Use an Activity diagram to show the workflow for a user to perform the following task in your application:
o The user is setting their favourite game in their profile view. They are currently on the home page.
In sections 3.2 – 3.4, you are to use Wire frame design (using the tools specified in the Required Resources section below) to present your design for the client-side of your web application.
3.2: Application Master Page:
In this section, you should present the layout of the common interface elements that are shared between the pages that comprise your application.
You should demonstrate the desktop version (assuming a 16:9 widescreen display is used).
4122COMP Introduction To Internet And Web Development Assignment-Liverpool John Moores University UK.

3.3: Navigation Systems:In this section, you should present the navigation systems that will be used within your application. The navigation system should also show which pages the UI controls point to.
3.4: Example Application Page Designs: In this section, you should present the layout and structure of the:
o The game details view (for one particular game)
o The ranking view.
Again, you are expected to use annotated wire frames for this design element.
Sections 2 and 3 will consist of between 15-20 pages, but this is neither a strict upper or lower limit.