Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment-Vocational Training UK

501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the application of theories of leadership and management

Tell me about….

1.1 Theories and models of leadership and management

Guidance for 1.1
Learners critically analyse theories and models of management and leadership including:
 L. Urwick – ten principles of management
 Trait Theory
 K. Lewin’s leadership styles
 D. Goleman’s leadership styles and emotional intelligence
 A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
 P. Hersey & K. Blanchard – situational leadership
 J. Kouzes & B. Posner – the leadership challenge
 M. Belbin – team roles
 Management by Wandering Around (MBWA)
 Power and Empowerment : dimensions of power, reflecting on power, sources of power, defining empowerment, care and control

1.2 How theoretical models are applied to practice

Guidance for 1.2
Learners critically evaluate how 3 theories and/or models of management and leadership apply to adult care practice, including:
 Defining what makes a great leader and manager
 Your role as a leader and manager
 How you identify and understand your own management style(s)
 Adapting management styles to meet requirements of role and with individuals and teams
 Senior colleagues/team managers roles as managers e.g. deputy, teaml eaders/supervisors
 Others e.g. home owners, company directors, trustees

1.3 Barriers between leadership and management theory and their application, including strategies to address barriers

Guidance for 1.3
Learners analyse barriers to applying leadership and management theory in respect of:
 Strategic management
 Managing individuals/performance management
 Managing teams
 Managing change
 Managing quality
 Strategies to overcome barriers e.g. individual professional development, individual SWOT analysis of service delivery and teams, individual self-reflection, individual and team action planning, individual management coaching and mentoring

501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment-Vocational Training UK

501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment

1.4 How different leadership styles can impact on working culture and delivery of service

Guidance for 1.4
Learners evaluate different leadership styles and their impact on working culture and service delivery including:
 Inclusive vs exclusive
 Open vs closed
 Positive vs negative
 Democratic, paternalistic, affiliative , laissez faire, commanding, visionary

Learning outcome 2: Understanding the importance of leadership and management in adult care settings

Tell me about………
2.1 Impacts of policy drivers on leadership and management in adult care services

Guidance for Topic 2.1
Learners evaluate current national and local policy drivers and evaluate how these impact on their leadership and management role – Include the dates of the legislation
 Health and Social Care Act Regulations
 The Equality Act
 The Care Act
 Fit and proper person
 The Care Certificate

2.2 Reasons managers in adult care settings need both leadership and management skills

Guidance for 2.2
Learners explain why it is important for managers in adult care to have both leadership and management skills

2.3 Interactions between leadership and the values/culture of an organisation
Guidance for 2.3
Learners analyse both internal and external factors that impacts their leadership and management role and related interactions with consideration of:
 Organisational culture and values
 Personal values of themselves and others
 Openness and transparency with others
 Inclusion of staff and others
 Managing conflicting values and addressing difficulties
 Positive engagement of colleagues and those receiving care and support
 Giving and receiving positive and negative feedback
 Level of experience in management role and related responsibilities

2.4 Systems that establish a culture of continual learning and development in the care setting

Guidance for 2.4
Learners evaluate the importance of learning and development in their care setting to include:
 Manager induction standards
 Reflection and reflective practise
 Continuing training and development for themselves and others

2.5 Methods of creating an atmosphere which inspires a culture that is open, positive and inclusive

Guidance for 2.5
Learners evaluate communication strategies for creating an open atmosphere including:
 Duty of Candour – openness and honesty
 Whistle blowing
 Concerns and complaints procedures
 Constructive criticism
 Commitment to equal opportunities

2.6 Methods of promoting a service which encourages innovation and creativity in a positive and realistic manner

Guidance for 2.6
Learners explain methods of promoting a service including:
 Feedback and suggestions procedures
 ‘Community’ involvement – both internal and external
 Community impact and related communications to others

Learning Outcome 3: Lead commitment to a vision for the service
Tell me about how you….
3.1 Communicate forward thinking vision and strategy with confidence to inspire and engage others

Guidance for 3.1
Learners communicate forward thinking vision and strategy with consideration of:
 Own strengths in motivational thinking/speaking
 In management and staff meetings
 Meetings with those in receipt of care, their carers and relevant others
 Internal and external activities /events

3.2 Engage with internal and external stakeholders to create awareness of the vision for service.

Guidance for 3.2
Learners evidence that all stakeholders are aware of service expectations, using appropriate communication strategies:
 Individual meetings
 Group meetings
 Marketing/digital

3.3 Create service development plans to support the vision ensuring it is both shared and owned by those implementing and communicating the vision
Guidance for 3.3
Learners create service development plans including:

 Management meetings
 Staff supervision
 Strategic planning
 Research and development activities

3.4 Implement strategies for involving stakeholders and others in decisions about service delivery
Guidance for 3.4
Learners implement strategies for involving stakeholders and others in decisions about service delivery

 Communication strategy – internal /external
 Community meetings – internal /external
 Team/individual meetings
 Feedback processes and procedures in respect of service provision
Decisions for example include positive change management and future vision for the service.

Learning Outcome 4: Provide leadership for a team in an adult care setting
Tell me about how you….
4.1 Adapt leadership and management styles to reflect different situations and stages in a care team’s development

Guidance for 4.1
Learners adopt relevant leadership and management styles

4.2 Develop trust and accountability within the team

Guidance for 4.2
Learners build positive relationships within their team(s) with consideration of:

 Active listening skills
 Team cultures
 Team values and values-based culture, e.g. challenging discrimination and exclusion
 Team diversity, e.g. respecting difference in experience, knowledge and skills
 Team roles and responsibilities
 Team activities – internal and external
 Individual and team accountability
 Provide regular feedback on team performance and achievement

4.3 Build team commitment to the service and its values

Guidance for 4.3
Learners build team commitment by consistently demonstrating own commitment and expressing own vision.

4.4 Develop, implement and review strategies that support positive value-based cultures in teams

Guidance for 4.4
Learners develop, implement and review strategies that include:

 Action planning and reviewing of team(s) against service vision and related achievements
 Commitment by all to a values based team culture in support of the service vision

4.5 Manage workloads effectively

Guidance for 4.5
Learners manage workloads using standard working procedures including:
 Time management
 Delegation
 Setting priorities
 Demonstrating and promoting a work/life balance for self and others

Learning Outcome 5: Manage Team working
Tell me about how you…
5.1 Facilitate inclusion of team members when agreeing team objectives

Guidance for 5.1
Learners facilitate inclusion when agreeing team objectives to support strategy and vision.

5.2 Develop and support innovation and creativity whilst planning team objectives and ensuring collective agreement

Guidance for 5.2
Learners develop and support innovation and creativity whilst planning team objectives and ensuring collective

5.3 Assign roles, detailing responsibilities and personal work objectives with team members

Guidance for 5.3
Learners acknowledge individual skill sets, interest, knowledge, expertise and development needs whilst motivating all
individuals, for example:

 Those who are not assigned their first choice of role
 Those who might disengage with the process
 Those who might show less motivation and/or enthusiasm than others
 Those who might demonstrate complacency and/or disengagement

5.4 Implement systems to support team members to work towards personal and team objectives and monitor progress

Guidance for 5.4
Learners implement systems that enable team members to match their personal goals to the overall objectives of the

5.5 Provide feedback on performance for individuals and the whole team

Guidance for 5.5
Learners provide feedback, methods could include:

 Team based feedback
 360 degree feedback
 Constructive criticism
 Supervision(s)
 Appraisal
 Mentoring
 Coaching
 Compliments and complaints – both internal and external

5.6 Identify performance issues within the team addressing issues positively for ongoing development

501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment-Vocational Training UK

501 Leadership & Management In Adult Care Assignment

Guidance for 5.6
Learners use constructive evaluation and feedback to inform individual action plans for continued professional
development and ongoing learning for their team(s)

5.7 Recognise progress achieved towards team and personal work objectives

Guidance for 5.7
Learners recognise progress achieved towards team and personal work objectives though:

 Individual and team feedback
 Individuals supervision – self and others
 Individual appraisal – self and others
 Individual/team observations – formal and informal
 Auditing processes and procedures
 Informal and formal inspection processes
 Feedback from those in receipt of care and support

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