502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment- Vocational Training UK.

This unit is an assignment. You have to look at the brief and then using a
variety of different ways such as Power Points, documents, evidence folders
or anything you feel is appropriate to create the information required.You must go into depth and make sure that you cover all the points
requested. You must check spellings and grammar as the end product must
look professional, use company logos, it must be creative and engaging.
If in doubt speak to your assessor before starting this assignment.
502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment- Vocational Training UK.

502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment

Assignment Brief:
You manage a service that is regulated by a national regulatory body.
At your last supervision with your line manager you discussed issues pertaining to inspection. You also expressed that you were not familiar with the governance of your organisation. As a result, the following objectives were agreed.

1) You will prepare your team for inspection.
2) You will investigate internal governance mechanisms and how these relate to care provision and your own role

Task 1- Statutory Frameworks
Prepare a briefing for your senior staff on the statutory frameworks providing context for inspection, which also explores the potential for dilemmas and conflicts. The briefing should include:
Legislation in relation to the regulation of
o Care Provision
o Capacity
o Safeguarding
o Equality and Diversity
o Health and Safety
o Physical Environment
o Environmental Issues
o Employment
 The potential conflicts between regulatory requirements and the delivery of effective person centred care
 Ways of managing those conflicts
 Potential conflicts between different regulatory requirements
 Use of local and national forums to highlight conflicts and duplication between different regulatory requirements and person centred outcomes

502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment- Vocational Training UK.

502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment

Task 2 – Inspection
Prepare a range of resources to inform and support team members in readiness for inspection, with the following key objectives:
 Reasons why services are inspected
 What services are subject to inspection
 The key areas the inspection will review
 The grading system used by regulatory bodies
 The roles and responsibilities of people involved in an inspection
 How regulators prepare for an inspection and report their findings
 Types of information required for regulation processes
 Sources of support and information available

Task 3 – Governance
Write a report explaining internal governance mechanisms within your organisation.The report must include:
 An explanation of what is meant by governance
 A description of how your own internal governance mechanisms relate to the long term aims and objectives of the service, including feedback from a range of stakeholders
 An evaluation of how the above relates to
o care provision
o own role
o own accountability
o legal directives

General guidance for candidates
General guidance:
This is a formal assessment and you will be assessed on the depth and
understanding from wider reading and the quality and accuracy of the work you produce. It is therefore important that you carry your work out to the highest standard you can. You should show how you are able to use your knowledge and skills together to complete the tasks.

This is an assessment of your abilities, so the work must be all your own work and carried out under the conditions stated. You will be asked to sign a declaration that you have not had any outside help with the assessment.
Your tutor is allowed to give you some help understanding the assignment
instructions if necessary, but at level 5 you are expected to be self-directed in your completion of the assignment.

Plagiarism is the failure to acknowledge sources properly and/or the submission of another person’s work as if it were your own. Plagiarism is not allowed in this assignment.

Where research is allowed, your tutor must be able to identify which work you have done yourself, and what you have found from other sources. It is therefore important to make sure you acknowledge all sources and clearly reference any information taken from them.

Timings and planning
The nature of this self-directed assessment means that you have to plan your time in order to meet deadlines agreed with your tutor/assessor, you should take care to make sure you have divided the time available between tasks appropriately. You should check your plan is appropriate with your tutor/assessor.

If you have a good reason for needing more time, you will need to explain the reasons to your tutor/assessor and agree a new deadline date. Changes to dates will be at the discretion of the tutor/assessor, and they may not assess work that is handed in after the agreed deadlines.

Health and Safety:
You must always work safely, in particular while you are carrying out practical tasks.You must always follow any relevant Health and Safety regulations and codes of practice.

Presentation of work:
Presentation of written work must be neat and appropriate to the task. You may choose to type or hand write.

You should make sure that each piece of evidence, including any documents and forms, are clearly labelled with your name and the assignment reference as indicated.

502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment- Vocational Training UK.

502 Governance And Regulatory Processes Assignment

All electronic files must be given a clear file name that allows your tutor to identify it as your work.

Written work, eg reports, may be word processed but this is not a requirement.

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