Subject Code & title : 512 Managing End of Life Care And Support
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification. You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
512 Managing End of Life Care And Support Assignment – UK.
Learning outcome 1: Understand legislative and legal requirements in respect of end of life care
1.1 Local and national guidelines relating to end of life care
Guidance for 1.1
Learners explain the application of legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for end of life care. This includes
those that apply nationally and locally and within their own area of service provision e.g. the Gold Standards Frame work, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, NICE Guidelines, 5 Priorities of Care
1.2 The role of advanced decisions in end of life care
Guidance for 1.2
Learners analyse the meaning and role of advanced decision making in end of life care, to include
Leadership and management responsibility and accountability in area of service
Individual control
Advanced care planning to include review and evaluation
Legal and ethical issues in respect of those in receipt of end of life care and others e.g. family and cultural conflicts.
Risk management to include positive risk taking
Ways in which services promotes active participation
Learning outcome 2 : 2. Understand the role of partnership working in health and care services
2.1 Importance of good working relationships in end of life care
Guidance for 2.1
Learners explain the role of healthcare professionals, health and care services and others in end of life care, this
could include;
Meaning and purpose of partnership working in health and care services
Referral systems and processes
External healthcare services and specialists services to include multi-disciplinary team meetings
Positive risk and risk assessment
Partner/ family/ advocacy involvement
Community support networks e.g. respite, day, voluntary support and funeral services
Sources of support for spiritual needs
Sources of support for language needs
Medical interventions
Alternative therapies and other non-medical interventions
512 Managing End of Life Care And Support Assignment – UK.
2.2 End of life care and support provided by colleagues
Guidance for 2.2
Learners evaluate the care and support provided by colleagues and teams involved in supporting those who are
dying and at end of life, to include;
Those providing care e.g. new staff, existing staff
Learning outcome 3 : Understand how needs may change, and the importance of future planning
3.1 Support for those delivering end of life care
Guidance for 3.1 Learners evaluate the types of support that are provided in area of service provision, to include:
Training and development needs in respect of palliative and end of life care
How those providing end of life care, support the choices and wishes of those receiving care and how this can be
affectively managed
Religious, cultural and spiritual needs of those delivering end of life care
Services available to support team members engaged in end of life care
512 Managing End of Life Care And Support Assignment – UK.
3.2 Grief Loss and bereavement
Guidance for 3.2 Learners explain models and theories about the emotional and physiological processes that individuals may experience through grief, loss and bereavement, may include: TEAR model of grief Ambiguous
loss Disenfranchised grief Stages of grief in death
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