Module Title:Project Management in Business
Module Code: 5BUS1205
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count: REFERRAL ASSIGNMENT –
to replace group assignment 30% weighting 1200 words
Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: This assessment replaces the group assignment and will be completed individually.
5BUS1205 Project Management In Business Assignment-UK

The title of the assignment. The importance of techniques such as the work breakdown structure and network diagrams in project planning and control (1200 words)
Purpose of the assessment, the task/topic
Examine the role techniques such as the work breakdown structure and network diagrams in the context of planning a project. Critically discuss the value, importance and potential issues with these techniques used when planning a project.
Introduction to the work/Scope/Context:
The topic requires students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of projects and specific methods, processes and techniques for planning and controlling projects. Students will need to apply their knowledge through cases and investigate, in depth, the assigned
topic area.
Students are required to extend their investigation of theories and concepts beyond the lecture materials and core text. Students need to provide full references of sources cited.
Your Specific Instructions:
You will need to
Examine the role techniques such as the work breakdown structure and network diagrams in the context of planning a project. Critically discuss the value, importance and potential issues with these techniques used when planning a project.
5BUS1205 Project Management In Business Assignment-UK

- Introduction to the work/Scope/Context:
- Define the importance of developing a project initiation document as part of project planning and control
- Analyse the role that work breakdown structure and network diagram have in the project planning process
- Critically discuss their importance and need within the planning process
- Identify possible issues that could occur when developing the work breakdown structure and network diagram.
Please incorporate in text citations and full Harvard referencing within your work. Write in 3 rd person in an academic report structure.
It is essential:
That each of the sections are covered (if not, there will be zero% for that section) To show ability to describe theoretical concepts and then use examples as illustrations.Do not make unsubstantiated assertions, references must back up your in-text statements.
Use Harvard Referencing throughout this report, linking theory to this practical business example.
Tips: e.g.
Show awareness of other aspects required as specified above.
Read and use a range of recent academic resources, e.g books, journals, reports and the case study provided Do NOT use Wikipedia/ website references alone Paraphrasing others’ views and give the relevant source, is generally better than using direct quotes Check grammar, use UK spelling and try to use PEEEL to structure your main paragraphs.
Refer to CASE Evidence of independent thought and original applications may improve your mark Use Ariel Font size 12, 1.5 line spacing between paragraphs. No mark over 70% will be awarded for work that is not referenced correctly or where mainly non-academic sources have been used. General websites for referencing are to be avoided.
Task / Check List
1.Define the importance of developing a project initiation document as part of project planning and control.
2.Analyse the role that work breakdown structure and network diagram have in the project planning process.
3.Critically discuss their importance and need within the planning process.
4.Identify possible issues that could occur when developing the work breakdown structure and network diagram
Follows Harvard style for in-text citation & Reference List. Use a reliable and academically robust sources. Good business application and integration of literature.
5BUS1205 Project Management In Business Assignment-UK

Presentation and structure
Presented in a standard report structure with a title page (with module name and id and student id. No names to be recorded due to anonymous marking), table of contents (and figures if appropriate), numbered headings, footer with page numbers, 1.5 line spacing, academic writing style, within the word count +- 10%
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