Module Code :- 5MNST005W
Assessment title :- CW1 Portfolio
Assessment Weighting :- 50%
Module Title :- Managing and Leading People
Assessment Brief
Assessment Brief: CW1 Portfolio
A Portfolio is a collection of tasks which assemble to demonstrate your working knowledge of career management and your research and employability skills in preparation for placement between Level 5 and Level 6, if that is your chosen route.
5MNST005W Managing And Leading People Assignment – UK

5MNST005W Managing And Leading People Assignment

The portfolio aims to promote your ability to achieve a placement between level 5 and level 6 and a graduate role on graduation which will serve as a foundation for your future career.

The portfolio is divided along relevant tasks and you may begin these in any order.

The portfolio uses report format. A title page with module and coursework name and word count is required.

A contents page sets out the organisation of the portfolio.

An introduction tells the reader how you intend proceed, what you want to gain from your degree and why how this relates to the employability aspects of the module and the assignment itself.

Evaluate your current skills and skills gap setting appropriate short interim and long term goals for their achievement

1. Research a role in relation to the current labour market analysis for those who have graduated with your degree
2. Assess how your awareness of work has changed your knowledge of managerial practices

5MNST005W Managing And Leading People Assignment – UK

You will introduce the placement details and say why you have chosen this one.
Relevant will be your degree pathway subjects of your studies your interests talents and skills. Use statistics and lecture slide content to indicate how this area of the labour market is developing and what is forecasted. You can also use broadsheet newspaper articles CIPD or ICAEW practitioner features to support your analysis here.

You could also discuss a graduate you have followed on Linked In whose pathway is similar to yours and career seems interesting to you.

Assessing how your awareness of work and career development has changed through the module allows you to bring in reflective writing you have done in seminars. Self-management is a key topic here. Reflect on your own practice with regard to your studies/career. How does self-management relate to Leadership?

What kinds of Leadership style do you see yourself developing? You should evaluate your thinking here by use of theory or practitioner advice properly referenced in Harvard Ref. System.

Future vision section allows you consider your area of career in the longer term:
what future developments are expected to affect your area of career? Use relevant theory or material from lectures. What about the skills and character traits that you will need to develop further in order to compete in the labour market.

Conclusion should draw together your main themes and bring some further level of under standing to the Portfolio as a whole.

Include in the appendix a Goal Development Grid: 3 SMART goals with short interim and long term measurable specifics.

Appendix includes
1 Placement ad
2 Updated Graduate CV (showing redesign towards the placement)
2 WEA Award (showing your name)
3 Forage/Linked In courses (ditto)
4 Proof of work experience pay slips or headed letter confirming the period of work
from employers invoices bank statements for self-employed.
5 Goal Development Grid

5MNST005W Managing And Leading People Assignment – UK

5MNST005W Managing And Leading People Assignment

The Assessment
Portfolio word limit is 2,000 words (10% plus or minus) not including the appendix.
Inclusion of appendix is mandatory, both in the initial submission and in the case of referral/deferral.

Assessment Criteria :-
You will be assessed on your ability to evaluate management procedures values and strategies used by managers and professionals at work. You will also be assessed on your ability to apply your knowledge and understanding of professional practice to your own career development when researching organisations making applications preparing for interviews. Your coursework will focus on analysis of entry to work professional practice and procedures, in other words People at Work scenarios which you will analyse and relate to the academic theory taught on the module. This module is being assessed and the materials presented to you on it.

Detailed assessment briefings will be posted as separate documents on Blackboard.

The assessment criteria and weightings show you what is important in the assessment and how marks are shared across each criterion. When you are completing your assessment remember you need to fulfil the assessment criteria below.

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