Guidelines on the Submission of Assessment
Assessment tasks and how you will be assessed will be discussed in online sessions and are also stated in the updated assessment information within the canvas topic for 5NH028.
There is 1 component of assessment for this module:
Written assignment (2000 words)
5NH028 Contemporary Evidence Based Practice In Children’s Nursing Assignment-Wolverhampton University UK.

Module title and code 5NH028 Contemporary Evidence Based Practice in Children’s Nursing
Module leader / Module team
Programme(s) to which this module contributes
Assessment number (e.g., 1 of 2)
Assessment date (University week)
Type of assessment (e.g., exam, course work, practical) Written assignment
Module learning outcomes assessed (LO 1, 2 etc) LO1 Explain the pathophysiology of commonly encountered mental, physical, behavioural, cognitive health conditions.
LO2 Apply relevant evidence to justify how and why nursing interventions might influence the health of the individual with mental, physical, behavioural, cognitive health conditions.
LO3 Critically discuss legal, ethical and professional issues that underpin nursing practice.
LO4 Evaluate sources of evidence and their impact on health and healthcare outcomes.
All four module learning outcomes must be achieved at 40% for the assessment to be passed.
Overview of assessment (e.g., essay title, ‘MCQ test’, out line of practical assessment)
In your assignment you must answer the below questions:
Q1.Identify one health condition from your chosen SIM character and explain the pathophysiology of that condition, this may include mental, behavioural, physical and cognitive elements. You can consider the signs and symptoms typically associated with their condition and identify how this presents in your SIM character and affects their health . Worth 25% of final grade
Q2.Apply and evaluate relevant evidence to justify how and why your nursing interventions influence the health of your chosen SIM character and how this may impact on health outcomes. Worth 50% of final grade
Q3.Critically discuss the legal, ethical and professional issues that underpin your nursing interventions in relation to your chosen SIM Character. Worth 25% of final grade
5NH028 Contemporary Evidence Based Practice In Children’s Nursing Assignment-Wolverhampton University UK.

Please note – work must be written in the 3rd person.
The same SIM character must be used for all questions.
Assessment Description (detailed description of what is required to complete the assignment)
An effective assignment will:
1.Focus on the pathophysiology of the health condition and link to relevant signs and symptoms to provide a detailed succinct discussion of the conditions presentation with in the chosen SIM character.
2.Select key, relevant, nursing interventions to impact on the health of the chosen SIM character and demonstrate analysis of the application of the nursing interventions to improve and influence the health outcome. This should NOT be a step by step description of how to undertake the chosen nursing intervention(s), but where you discuss the importance of the nursing intervention(s) and your rationale for this, linking this discussion to wider evidence to support you.
3.Critically evaluate the evidence relating to the chosen nursing interventions and consider its application to practice. You should consider including national guidelines (such as NICE, BTS), and up to date research articles in your evaluation. You should link to tools such as CASP to support your evaluation of the research articles and demonstrate critical understanding of why national guidelines are robust and trustworthy.
4.Select a key topic relating to ethical, legal and professional issues and your nursing interventions, such as gaining consent. You will need to synthesise why these areas are important and provide a critical discussion on how they underpin the nursing interventions.
5.Ensure all answers are relevant and link back to your chosen SIM character.
6.Use a range of relevant references, which reflects reading beyond that provided in the taught sessions. References must be presented in accordance with latest University of Wolverhampton referencing guidelines –‘cite them right’.
7.Be organised and demonstrate strong writing skills (consider structure, flow of discussion, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and grammar).
5NH028 Contemporary Evidence Based Practice In Children’s Nursing Assignment-Wolverhampton University UK.

Element Guide Guide to word Count
1) Introduction- Introduce the content, the chosen SIM character and sequence of the work relating to the assessment questions. 150 words
2) Pathophysiology
a) Identify the health condition you will focus this section on.
b) Focusing on the pathophysiology of the condition and linking to sign and symptoms,explain what has happened, what will happen and why does this happen.
c) Remember to use correct terminology in your answer and to reference all sources 450 words
3) Nursing Intervention and evaluation
a) Select key, relevant, nursing interventions that may impact on the condition of your chosen SIM character, this could link to the signs and symptoms, for example administration of pain relief or commencing oxygen delivery.
b) Provide rationale for the nursing interventions, linking to the importance of evidence based practice.
c) Discuss how the delivery would impact on the chosen SIM character.
d) Evaluate your sources of evidence to demonstrate why it is reliable to inform your practice
i) Is the research appropriately conducted? How do you know this?
ii) Is it from a reputable source?
iii) Is it up to date?
iv) Did you use tools such as ‘CASP’ to evaluate the work?
v) Discuss what the evidence suggest will happen following the delivery of the nursing interventions and why this is important. 900 words
4) Ethical legal and professional issues
a) Select a key issue that relates to your nursing intervention that is underpinned by ethical, legal and professional issues.
b) Explain how the topic is impacted by ethical, legal and professional issues, for example consent is underpinned in law, linked to autonomy and is discussed in the NMC code of conduct.
c) Critically discuss the importance of providing care inline with the issues you have highlighted.
d) Ensure you cover all three areas (legal, professional and ethical) and link to the NMC code of conduct 450 words
5) Conclusion- Outline what the work set out to achieve and how you met the learning outcomes for the module via this submission 150 words
Assessment criteria by grade
Please see attached module grading rubric.
Approved by Internal Moderator
Approved by External Examiner