Unit Code & Title :- 5T7Z0012 Strategic Leadership
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting :- 100% of unit mark
Word/Page Count :- 3,000 words +/- 10% (references not included in word count)
5T7Z0012 Strategic Leadership Assignment – UK

REPORT Critical analysis of the leadership of a company
You are required to under take a critical analysis of the strategic leadership of a company.
You will work in groups formed in the first week and each group chooses one company per group from the list below. Each member of group further focuses on a different aspect of the company for their individual assignment. The task is to analyse one aspects of the strategic leadership of the organisation. You therefore need to work together as a group and choose the tasks to allocate amongst yourselves.
The company & individual SBU must be chosen from the list below
1) The Walt Disney Co. Choose an SBU, for example:
a) Theme Parks and Resorts
b) Star Wars & Marvel franchises
c) ABC&ESPN networks
d) Disney Plus
e) Disney stores and merchandise
2) TATA Group Choose an SBU, for example:
a) Tata Motors
b) Tata Steel
c) Tata Consultancy Services
d) Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces
3) DIAGEO Choose an SBU for example:
a) Scotch Whisky
b) Rum
c) Vodka
d) Gin
e) Beer
4) VIRGIN GROUP Choose an SBU, for example:
a) Virgin Atlantic
b) Virgin Media
c) Virgin Games
d) Virgin Active
e) Virgin Holidays
Each Group Member Must Choose A Different Aspect For Their Assignment.
Choose one of the following:
1) Corporate strategy and diversification
2) Strategic development (thinking and formation)
3) Leading strategic change
4) Strategic innovation
5) International strategy
Word/Page Count Penalties :
Markers will not include any work after the maximum word limit has been reached with in the allocation of marks Students may therefore be penalised for a failure to be concise and for failing to conclude their work with in the word limit specified Similarly a failure to meet a minimum word limit may result in lower marks based on the quality of the work e.g. not including the necessary information required for the assessment not meeting the learning outcomes.
How To Prepare And Structure Your Submission
We expect a well researched carefully considered submission that displays depth and breadth of under standing of the chosen topics and rigorous academic under pinning This unit focuses on the critical application of the theories to practical examples.
You will be assessed on your ability to construct an argument using appropriate academic references and journal articles models theory and examples from your experience to illustrate your points.
• This is an essay of MAXIMUM word count 3,000 (+/-10%).
• Font size 11 Calibri or equivalent is recommended
• MMU standard Harvard referencing is essential A PDF copy can be found on Moodle.
• Use headings and subheadings to structure your argument
• Use referenced evidence, facts and figures where necessary.
• Use images and pictures if appropriate.
• Submit through the Turnitin link on Moodle no later than 9pm on the dead line day. If there are any Turnitin service issues at this time you must email a copy of your assignment to
5T7Z0012 Strategic Leadership Assignment – UK

Expectations :
What you MUST do:
• Use Harvard referencing appropriately and in full both in the text as citations and listed in full alphabetically at the end.
• Use grammatically correct English The use of I or we is recommended for reflective work.
• Proofread your work
• Attend supporting workshops.
• Provide a robust structure.
• You must use your own words – the assignment is designed to demonstrate YOUR knowledge. You must synthesise and interpret what the various authors are saying.
• You must read the assignment brief!
• You must use UK English, not USA.
• Include a word count on your front page
• Inform the unit leader if you have a personal learning plan and require an extension before the end of term.
What you must NOT do.
• Do not use Wikipedia, BusinessBalls, Proven Models or other in appropriate web sites.
• Do not use generic texts books, these will not contain the information you need
• Do not leave it to the last minute.
• Do not go over the word count, no work will be marked over the maximum limit.
• Do not use excessive quotations, you do not have the word count!
• Do not use appendices. These will not be looked at or marked.
• Do not submit late.
Assessment Details :-
Every assignment company and every SBU has its own unique characteristics Similarly each of the topic areas is different There fore it is not possible or desir able for us to force you into a particular way of thinking The assignment brief gives you a broad out line but is sufficiently loose and flexible to give you the freedom that you need to complete this assignment.
How To Prepare For The Assessment
We strongly suggest that you meet the other members of your group early on to share ideas and discuss ways to approach the assignment. The intention is that everyone in the group can help each other.
In your research for the assignment, you may come across some information that will help others, and vice versa. This is not a competition and, from experience, your work is likely to be strongest if you work with your group to share ideas.
Group Work Guidelines :
This assessment is assessed individually but it requires group work Group work and team work are important skills that are prized by industry and therefore they are developed through out the programme.
You will work in groups formed in the first week and you will choose one company per group from the above list to work on for your assignment Each member of the group must focuses on a different aspect of the company for their individual assignment The task is to analyse one aspects of the strategic leadership of the organisation.
You therefore need to work together as a group and choose the tasks to allocate amongst your selves. Some questions to ask yourselves might be:
• What skills do we have in our group?
• What strengths do we have? How should we build on these?
• What weaknesses do we have? How might we manage these?
• Does the group need a leader? If so, who should this be?
Rationale For The Assessment
Our expectations in this assessment are linked to the learning outcomes listed below. We teach practice and assess these outcomes in the unit.The learning outcomes are linked to your over all programme.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit. students will be able to:
LO1: Identify and frame key corporate and global level strategic management concepts
LO2: Critically assess the effectiveness of approaches to strategic leadership
LO3: Assess the impact of globalisation on the operation and development of multi national enterprises.