Code :- 66-407264
Module Title :- Assessing and Planning Person Centred Care
Level :- 4
Assessment title :- Record Keeping
Mode of submission :- 1500 word assignment.
You will submit your assignment through the online submission link on Grade Centre this can be found in the assessment folder of the Black board site.
Turn it in :- The turn it in link will be open and will be available to use throughout your assignment development. This will enable you to submit your assignment at differing points to prevent plagiarism and referencing errors. You will submit your final version assignment to the grade centre submission link and the turn it in submission point. Details of the assessment dates can be found in your assessment calendar.
66-407264 Assessing And Planning Person Centred Care Assignment – UK

66-407264 Assessing And Planning Person Centred Care Assignment

Task details and instructions:
With reference to supporting literature discuss the importance of record keeping in contemporary nursing

To demonstrate this you will be required to explore;

Key principles surrounding record keeping in contemporary nursing; (Mapped to LO 2
● Professional principles which are set out in guidance provided by the Nursing and Midwifery Council
● Identify legal issues relating to record keeping

Provide a range of record keeping examples (Mapped to LO 2)
● Verbal
● Non-verbal
● Electronic

How does record keeping impact on the development of a therapeutic relationship? (Mapped to LO 1)
● Holistic/individualised care
● Family Centred Care
● NHS values
● Professional Behaviours

Module learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Module Learning Outcomes :-
Learning Outcome 1 (Assessed via Task 1 & Task 2
) Describe the fundamental skills required for therapeutic relationships across the lifespan.

Learning Outcome 2 (Assessed via Task 1)
Discuss and apply the key theoretical principles and practical skills under pinning assessment and planning to address peoples' needs.

Learning Outcome 3 (Assessed via Task 2)
Ethically practice compassionate care in accordance with NMC proficiencies required for progression to year 2 of the programme.

Learning Outcome 4 (Assessed via Task 2)
Reflect upon your personal and professional development in clinical practice.

66-407264 Assessing And Planning Person Centred Care Assignment – UK

Weighting with in module:
This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.

Word count/duration (if applicable)
The word count for this assignment is 1500 words.
The reference list or any appendices is not included with in the word count.

Guidance linked to grid
Marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the following criteria

Subject Knowledge and Under standing:
To complete this element successfully you need to show a sound knowledge of basic underlying concepts and principles associated with record keeping. You will explore a broad and extensive evidence base drawing on local and national legislation along with relevant literature.

Intellectual Skills:
To complete this element successfully you need to demonstrate interpretation and understanding of the knowledge base you present on the importance of record keeping. You will use the literature to debate and evaluate key concepts with in your assignment. Along with your evidence base you will show consideration of record keeping linked to the role of the student nurse and apply this within your discussions.

66-407264 Assessing And Planning Person Centred Care Assignment – UK

66-407264 Assessing And Planning Person Centred Care Assignment

Subject specific skills and application to practice
To complete this element successfully you need to demonstrate insight of the use of record keeping with in practice. You will consider examples of record keeping illustrating how they are used. You will consider how record keeping impacts upon the development of therapeutic relationships within practice.

Transferable skills :- including communication presentation and organisation dissemination

To complete this element successfully you need to organise and present your assignment following the appropriate guidance available on black board. Discussions with in your assignment should be communicated

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