Subject Code & Title :- 6BY510 Applied Entomology
Assessment Type :- Individual practical report
Assessment weighting :- 50%
Word count :- 2,500 words +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes :- 1 &2
Note: attendance at the class practicals are essential as the write up will be based on one of the practicals.
6BY510 Applied Entomology Assignment – UK

Description of the assessment :-
For this assessment you will take part in four practical sessions The practical sessions will be based with in four current areas of applied entomology forensic entomology environ mental entomology agricultural entomology and medical and veterinary entomology.
Each session will introduce you to a specific area of entomology and include a practical which will provide you with a data set. You will then analyse interpret and evaluate the data You will then write an individual scientific report based on one of these four sessions.
This assessment is carefully designed to demonstrate your knowledge and under standing of how insect evidence is applied to professional practice and your ability to evaluate and interpret complex data. It will build on the scientific writing skills you have developed in previous modules by writing a concise scientific report.
Assessment Content
An explanation of this brief will be delivered in class on the 11th February The scientific report must be of no more than 2500 (±10%) words pictures graphs tables etc. do not count to this limit based on the format of a scientific paper.The report should include relevant references presented in Harvard style and be written in third person and past tense.
A typical report should include:
• Abstract
▪ Introduction
o Put the analysis in context with the specific area of entomology citing relevant references.
▪ Method
o Give a logical explanation of what analysis/es was conducted and how it was performed. Provide sufficient detail so that someone else could repeat your study. Write in the past tense.
▪ Results and Calculations
o Outline full workings for all calculations especially for the Forensic entomology prac
o Present results in a logical and coherent fashion
o Describe results in words in addition to relevant tables and figures and key statistical results.
o Cite all Tables and Figures in the text
o Outline how insect specimens were identified
▪ Discussion
o Critically evaluate the reliability of your results by putting them in context with published literature on the topic. Provide ideas for further research on the topic.
▪ An informed conclusion
o Form a conclusion based on the results from your analyses and write what this means for the area of entomology.
▪ A Reference list
o Detail all the references used in the paper in Harvard Referencing style (see UDo).
▪ Also marked on Presentation
The terminology for the structure of each report may vary slightly but information on how each report should be written and how each section relates to the assessment rubric will be addressed in each practical session.