Unit Code & Title :- 7053SOH Management Project
Assessment Type :- Assignment
The intended module learning outcomes are that on completion of the module the student should be able to:
1.Identify and provide a detailed rationale for a business proposal.
2.Critically examine literature on a public health/health and social care topic area using a systematic approach.
3.Formulate a business proposal that demonstrates a systematic approach to project planning.
4.Critically discuss issues concerning sustainability of a business proposal.
5.Critically examine personal learning through a process of reflection and reflexivity.
6.Critically defend a business proposal via a viva voce.
Achievement of learning outcomes 1 – 5 will be assessed through coursework 1 the 9, 000 word project (80%, 40 credits) whereas learning outcome 6 will be assessed through a 20 minute viva voce (20%, 10 credits).
7053SOH Management Project Assignment – UK.

It is important to you and the tutors that your project is written and presented in a professional manner. The following requirements must be adhered to in the format of the final project.
1.The project should be 9,000 (± 10%) words in length. The total wordage excludes words used within tables graphs charts and diagrams the front cover and title pages Executive Summary Acknowledgements Table of Contents References list and Appendices.
2.The total wordage includes words used in the following sections:
• Organisation (anonymised)
• Glossary of Terms
• Introduction and Context of the Proposal
• Theoretical Background Literature Review
• Project Aim, objectives/ Success criteria
• Implementation Plan/ Project Milestones
• Breakdown of Financial Costs / Rationale for Funding requirements
• Evaluation Plan – Recognising / evaluating success
• Mainstreaming the Project
• Reflexivity
3.The front cover page – see appendix 1 for the template.
4.The title page – see appendix 2 for the template.
5.The type font should be Arial and the font size for the body of the text 12 point One and a half (1.5) line spacing must be used with a margin of 30 mm on the left-hand side should you wish to print a hard copy for binding.
6.Pages should be numbered consecutively through the main text, including those containing photographs and or diagrams.
7.References and quotations should be correctly cited using the CU Harvard system
8.Diagrams tables photographic images etc. should be appropriately labelled and referenced.
The award of a Master’s degree indicates that you have completed a substantial piece of professional and individual work on a health care management subject at a high level.
4.1. You and Your Project Supervisor
• The role of the Project Supervisor
You will be allocated a Project Supervisor whose role will be to offer you strategic guidance during in the development of your management project and the coursework.
The Project Supervisor will act as a guide and ensure that you are aware of the quality of your work and progress (or lack of it). The Project Supervisor will give formative feedback and be responsible for the first marking of the project.
The Project Supervisor will be responsible for reviewing and approving your CU Ethics application for the systematised literature review part of the project.
Support will be offered via online or face-to-face individual or small group tutorial meetings once every two weeks booked in advance between you and your Project Supervisor.
A key to the success of any programme lies in the relationship that is established between you and your Project Supervisor. There fore regular contact with and feedback from your Project Supervisor will be a major factor in ensuring that you successfully complete the project For this reason a clearly defined time table for supervision meetings should be agreed together with a schedule for your Supervisor to review draft work. This timetable may need to be revised as the project proceeds.
You should follow these simple guidelines to ensure that you get the most from each meeting with
your Project Supervisor:
• Book appointments with the Project Supervisor in good time
• Send an agenda of issues for discussion, together with any relevant draft work before the meeting, allowing time for the tutor to read it beforehand
• The meetings will take a ‘coaching approach’ to facilitate the development of the project and over coming challenges
• To follow up the meeting, prepare a brief action plan and send a copy to your Project Supervisor
Once the focus of your project has been agreed you should work closely with your Project Supervisor How ever remember that you will be the primary author of your project and your Project Supervisor will offer guidance and advice He or she will encourage and challenge you offering constructive criticism in order for you to gain a deeper understanding of the subject in an attempt to enhance the final outcome.
• Student Expectations
You can expect your Project Supervisor to:
• Have an understanding of your general chosen project area
• Be familiar with what makes an acceptable project
• Be supportive and helpful – but honest, offering constructive and critical feedback!
• Read draft work sent in advance of meetings (usually at least 24 hours)
• Be available for appointments that are arranged in advance
• Be informed if the booked appointment needs to be cancelled or rearranged
• Offer appropriate information and suggested reading
• Give up to 10 hours support
10 hours will go a long way if you send the Project Supervisor, in advance, an agenda and any draft work for comment.
• Project Supervisors Expectations
The Project Supervisor will expect you to:
• Keep in contact with them
• Be organised and follow an action plan
• Maintain a Contact Log (see appendix 3) and Reflective journal
• Be an independent learner and think for yourself, utilising the guidance offered in this document and from your Project Supervisor
• Prepare for supervision by setting an agenda for the meeting
• Take and consider the advice offered by your Project Supervisor
• Be honest when reporting feedback on your progress, whether positive or negative
• Be interested in the work for its own sake rather than just to get a qualification
Ultimately as a student you are responsible for:
• Planning and managing your time and workload in order to complete the course work by the submission date giving due consideration to the background work research required for each of the sections
• Undertaking an analysis of the health care management problem using relevant management tools to identify the specific issue the project will focus on
• Undertaking a scoping review of the academic literature to determine the feasibility of the project
• Completing an CU ethics application and gaining ethical approval for the systematised literature review of the project
• Completing the systematised literature review following using a clear and structured methods that are documented and summarised using the PRISMA flow diagram
• Undertaking the background work required for each section of the Project Dissertation.
• Drafting editing proof-reading the each section of the project in producing the final Dissertation
• Presenting the Project Dissertation in an approved format (see below)
Please note: The Project Supervisor will not read endless drafts of different sections of the project but will read parts of these to provide formative feedback. When submitting these to your Supervisor please allow 48 hours response. The Project Supervisor will not read through the final written draft of the project before submission.
Many Project Supervisors take annual leave during the Easter holiday so you will need to take this into account when scheduling meetings.
What to do if things ‘go wrong’
Occasionally things will go wrong between a student and their Project Supervisor.
Your first point of contact should always be to your Project Supervisor by a visit email or letter stating what you believe to be the problem. It is expected that good communication and subsequent discussion will resolve the issue in the majority of cases.
If however:
- the Project Supervisor does not respond within a five working days subject to them not being absent from the University and you are unable to contact them or
- discussion with your Project Supervisor have not resolved the issue to your satisfaction please discuss your concerns with the Head of School.
All projects must contain the following (this is not meant to be a list of required chapter headings but rather a checklist of items that must somewhere be covered)
• Outside front cover (see appendix 1 for the template)
• Title page (see appendix 2 for the template)
• Table of Contents
• Glossary of Key Terms & abbreviations
• Reference list of sources, cited using CU Harvard Reference style
• Numbered and labelled appendices
7053SOH Management Project Assignment – UK
The learning outcomes for this module are assessed through two pieces of coursework:
• Coursework 1: 9000 word (± 10%) project proposal dissertation
• Coursework 2: 20 minute (±10%) Audio-recording of responses to Viva Voce questions and Transcript of the audio recording with list of citations as a word document
Pass requirements: The dissertation mark must be at least 40%, the overall module mark must be at least 40%.
REASSESSMENT: If your dissertation or the viva voce is referred, the Programme Assessment Board may permit reassessment of the module see also page 13 under ‘Late submission or non submission. You are advised to read the University Regulations for rules concerning the maximum mark that may be awarded for reassessed work)
7053SOH Management Project Assignment – UK

The Management Project General provides an opportunity for you to draw on, and demonstrate your learning of management theory from all the modules you have studied across the programme. It will enable you to demonstrate your understanding of project management and the tasks of kinitiating planning executing controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria.
7053SOH Management Project Assignment – UK
A comprehensive evidence-based ‘business’ proposal to take to a Board management committee that makes the case for introducing a new service’p service improvement or the introduction of an innovation or technology for the benefit of patient service user care or employee welfare. The proposal should use evidence from the academic literature to critically argue and justify the rationale for the implementation or change.Remember this is a desk-based project and not a proposal for an empirical study and does not require you to collect primary data
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