Learning Outcomes to be assessed:
1.Demonstrate advanced understanding of the theoretical principles and objectives of Machine Learning (ML).
2.Critically evaluate and apply advanced ML concepts and techniques
7143COMP Academic Paper on Theoretical Principles of Machine Learning Assignment-Liverpool University UK

Programmes: MSc Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)
This coursework focuses on the theoretical aspects of machine learning and its practical implications. Associated tools and techniques for undertaking the training and inferencing of a machine learning model for a particular scenario is also covered. For the coursework, you are required to write a six-page paper (double column IEEE format) on the topic of machine learning and related concepts using the materials taught in the lectures while undertaking independent research to reinforce the conclusions and opinions expressed in your paper. The paper must also include a discussion on the practical implications and considerations of training machine learning models while undertaking inferencing. Here you are required to construct a methodology for a given scenario taking into consideration the data and functional requirements.
Detail of the task
1) Machine learning concepts and discussion
According to the living planet report 2020 our planet’s wildlife population has decreased by 68% since 1970. The study monitored 4300 different vertebrate species – animal, fish, birds and amphibians – from around the world and alongside the results showed that there is no evidence to
suggest this downward trend is slowing. Studies like this are costly and time consuming to run, and error prone due to the specialist skills required. You have been tasked by the Zoological Society of London to investigate the use of machine learning as a possible way to identify species using animal bone types and catalogue which ecological group they belong to. You are required to write a research paper outlining your proposed approach using the templated provided on Canvas called (Course work 1 template. docx) and the associated meta data (you produce from the bird bones.zip in
Canvas). Please note that the format settings of this template are not to be changed. Your paper must include the following sections and discussion:
7143COMP Academic Paper on Theoretical Principles of Machine Learning Assignment-Liverpool University UK

A) Title – A suitable title which describes your paper
B) Name and affiliation – Your name and place of study
C) Abstract – A summary of the whole paper (what the problem is, what has been done already, what are the limitations with current approaches, and what do you propose to do).
D) Introduction – Outline the challenge, describe similar research in this area (both deep and non-deep learning approaches), discuss current limitations and provide details of what you propose to do.
E) Background – Must include a discussion on the challenge as outlined by Zoological society of London, data analysis, machine learning and its role in species classification using skeletal data.
F) Methodology – Must include a data description of the provided dataset in Canvas (birdbones.zip), Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Data pre-processing, model architecture selection, discussion and justification, model training (hyper parameter selection), inference and evaluation.
G) Discussion – Discussion of the challenge and provide a justification for your proposed methodology for addressing the machine learning task set by Zoological society of London for 2020.
H) Future Work – In coursework 2 you will be required to implement your methodology there fore this section should include an implementation plan constructing your classification solution.
7143COMP Academic Paper on Theoretical Principles of Machine Learning Assignment-Liverpool University UK

You should include graphs and figures in your paper (which can be taken form Jupyter Notebook) where appropriate. You will be required to use academic references throughout your paper which should be obtained from sources such as google scholar, Research Gate or arXiv.org. All references must be stored in Mendeley and inserted into your paper using the Mendeley word plugin.
What you should hand in You should submit a single word-processed document via the Assignment Handler in Canvas.The document is to be named as coursework one.docx. The document should be processed
using the template provided on Canvas.
NOTE: to enable anonymous marking, do NOT include your name and student ID number in any document.
Marking Scheme/Assessment Criteria

Supporting Material
The following texts are useful additional reading for this module:
- Lecture notes and labs.
- Designated reading material
Extenuating Circumstances
If something serious happens that means that you will not be able to complete this assignment, you need to contact the module leader as soon as possible. There are a number of things that can be done to help, such as extensions, waivers and alternative assessments, but we can only arrange
this if you tell us. To ensure that the system is not abused, you will need to provide some evidence of the problem.
7143COMP Academic Paper on Theoretical Principles of Machine Learning Assignment-Liverpool University UK

Academic Misconduct
The University defines Academic Misconduct as ‘any case of deliberate, premeditated cheating, collusion, plagiarism or falsification of information, in an attempt to deceive and gain an unfair advantage in assessment’. This includes attempting to gain marks as part of a team without making a contribution. The Faculty takes Academic Misconduct very seriously and any suspected cases will be investigated through the University’s standard policy
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand what constitutes Academic Misconduct and to ensure that you do not break the rules. If you are unclear about what is required, please ask.
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