Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1.examine the managerial responsibilities and action areas for each stage of the project life cycle;
2.appraise the opportunities and constraints that exist in the subject of project management;
3.explore how projects are evaluated and assess factors that contribute to a project’s success or failure
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
4.determine and assess use of appropriate methods and techniques for project initiation, team building, project estimation and control;
5.critique different organisational structures and their impact on projects.
7BSP1244 Project Management Assignment-Hertfordshire University UK.

7BSP1244 Project Management University Assignment

Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment
Assignment Title: Stakeholder Analysis and Risk Management for My Fitness G Description of the assignment:

My Fitness G is a small gym in the Hatfield area that is currently operating and opens at 7 am and closes at 10 pm 7 days a week. With the growing number of 24-hour gyms in the area, they have decided to convert their gym to a 24-hour operation. Currently, when members come to the gym, they have a membership card that they swipe at a barrier to enter. Additionally, there is a reception desk by the barriers which is manned at all times currently. With the 24-hour gym, an alternative entry method will be needed for hours outside of the current opening hours (10pm – 7am) as it is not planned to have the manned reception area for 24 hours. This entry needs to be secure and try and ensure that non-members cannot enter the gym and there is also maximum number of 50 people in the gym premises.

Additionally, as part of this change My Fitness G would like to redecorate, refit and refurbish their group yoga studio. This room needs to have a new air conditioning system installed as it is faulty, and it needs a new floor and needs to be painted again. This room also needs new equipment such as yoga mats, yoga bricks, yoga blocks and yoga bolsters as the current ones need to be replaced. The yoga studio has a capacity of 20 people at any one time so equipment for 25 should be purchased. No other structural work is needed here.

7BSP1244 Project Management University Assignment-Hertfordshire University UK.

7BSP1244 Project Management University Assignment

In order to minimise the impact of these changes to existing members, it is planned that most of the work for this project will take place over a 2-month period starting from 1st January 2021 with the facility being kept open at all times. The 2-month project period will need to cover all of the activities required from the research into 24-hour security systems and sourcing contractors for this and the yoga studio refurbishment as well as completing all of the work required to the required health and safety standards. It will also need to include all of the testing and health and safety checks required and needs to be ready to open as a 24-hour gym on the 1st March 2021.

As part of this assignment you need to do the following:
1.Stakeholder Analysis : You need to discuss the relevance and need for stakeholder analysis in project planning and then identify the relevant stakeholders for this project (10 stakeholders required) and conduct a stakeholder analysis for each stakeholder to identify whether they would support or oppose the project, their power and interest as well as the strategy you would adopt with them. Templates for the stakeholder analysis will be provided on Canvas.

2.Risk Management : You will then need to discuss the need for risk management strategies in a project and identify 10 risks for this project (not ongoing operational risks but risks for the 2 month duration of the project), their probability of occurring and their impact if they do occur and the strategy you would adopt for each risk. The risk matrix will also need to be completed. Templates for the risk management will be provided on Canvas.

Mark scheme: Presentation – Presented as a report with a title page, name and student id, a table of contents with numbered headings, page numbers and other report attributes such as 1.5 line spacing as indicated in the report writing guide in CASE. The report includes an introduction section.
Stakeholder Analysis – table with stakeholders (10) for this project and their involvement and management strategy, stakeholder matrix showing interest and power. This should include an academic discussion which establishes the importance of stakeholder analysis within project planning. You should support this with academic references
Project Risk Management – detailed risk management plan including management of high impact risks. At least 10 risks, inclusion of risk matrix. Strategy for high risks explained. This should include an academic discussion which establishes the need for risk management within projects. You should support this with academic references.
Harvard referencing – Follows Harvard style for in-text citation & Reference List. Use a minimum of ten different reliable and academically robust sources. Good business application and integration of literature

Assessment Brief: This assignment will need be submitted as a report. Refer to CASE resources using online help to ensure you submit in the correct report format using numbered headings, contents page, footer with page numbers etc. Ensure referencing is in full Harvard style as specified in the CASE Harvard referencing guide.

7BSP1244 Project Management University Assignment-Hertfordshire University UK.

7BSP1244 Project Management University Assignment

Student Support and Guidance

  • For further help, contact your module leader in their drop-in hours or by email.
  • Use the Grading Criteria and Mark Scheme to help improve your work.
  • Go to CASE workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours
  • Academic English for Business support is available through daily drop-ins from the CASE office. See the CASE workshop timetable on the CASE main website page for details.
  • Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details.

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