Module Code: 7BUS2040
Module Title: Strategic Marketing Entrepreneurship
Weighting :- 70%
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count (consider assessment load) : Individual Launch Plan
(1200 words)
Assessment Criteria :
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1. evaluate how marketing tactics should be adjusted depending on context of the organisation factors in the environment segmentation customer personas and consumer behaviour Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
2. propose strategic marketing plans backed by secondary research and application of academic concepts and literature.
3. recommend financially viable business models, launch plans and roadmaps that will deliver sustained growth in response to clearly identified market opportunities.
4. critically evaluate key issues using academic concepts and literature.
7BUS2040 Strategic Marketing Entrepreneurship Assignment – UK

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment
Assignment Title:
Based on the work produced in your group, you are required to produce a short strategic marketing launch plan (maximum of 1200 words) to present to the directors of the client company to explain how you will support them to bring the new product/service or innovation to market. Where appropriate you should use diagrams graphics tables charts, and graphs to present information visually and accessibly.
7BUS2040 Strategic Marketing Entrepreneurship Assignment – UK
The outline headings for your report are:
Executive Summary
Product/service recommendation (select one of the ideas from your ideation); design and features
Business Model
Form of ownership
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