7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment – UK

Module Code : 7BUS2051
Module Title: People Resourcing
Assignment Weighting: 70%
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count :- Individual essay (1500 words) Management Report (500
words) Reflection account (500 words)
7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment – UK

7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment

Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1. Critically analyse and critically review the national and global employment market and the implications for people resourcing
2.Critically explore and critically evaluate a range of recruitment and selection strategies
3. Determine how to conduct fair and objective assessments at all levels of the organisation
4. Critically evaluate online and digital approaches to resourcing strategy
5. Critically analyse and understand measurement concepts and critically evaluate the use of psychometrics in assessment
6. Critically evaluate the role of different types of workers in an organisation’s resourcing strategy
7. Critically appraise and recommend appropriate resourcing strategies within an ethical and legal frame work to meet business needs

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

1. Be able to apply knowledge of alternative approaches to formulate informed decisions on global issues and their impact on resourcing strategies
2. Be able to make and justify decisions or choices by considering all available evidence in the context of the specific situation
3. Reflect on the challenges of people resourcing practices and formulate strategies to address these working both individually and collaboratively
4. Be able to formulate persuasive arguments with impact in writing and verbally through discussion debate and presentation

Detailed Brief for Individual Assessment

Assignment Title: Individual essay and management report

The assessment will require students to work on an individual basis to produce a 1500-word research-based essay plus a 500-word management summary with recommendations.

Description of the assignment: TASK
You work for a British pharmaceutical company Your HR Director regularly attends the CIPD Annual Conference. This year three of the presentations raised a number of questions from the audience of HR professionals and a healthy debate ensued. As a result your HR Director is keen to find out more. You are a member of the HR team and she has asked that you produce an essay which draws on research evidence and contemporary HR practice exploring ONE of the topics below. She is interested to see how other organisations have addressed such issues and what the benefits and challenges have been. She would like a summary of your findings with recommendations.

Choose ONE essay from the following:
1.One presentation discussed the fact that UK employers are using ability tests and personality question naires more frequently than they used to. Your HR Director would like you to critically investigate reasons for this increased usage of psychometrics. She would also like to under stand whether this is a practice your organisation should consider and whether there are any potential disadvantages to the use of ability tests and personality questionnaires specifically.

2.In the quest to be Employer of Choice in a competitive environment one presenter outlined how enacting (rather than simply espousing) a clear “diversity” strategy had made a difference. Your HR Director would like you to evaluate and discuss the potential challenges the company might face to implementing HR policies that are 1) ‘blind to differences’ versus 2) those that seek to recognise individual and group differences, treating employees accordingly. She would also like to understand the implications for compliance with equality legislation.

3.A presenter discussed their organisation’s use of performance appraisals for internal selection. Your HR Director would like you to critically investigate the use of performance appraisals for internal staffing decisions. She would also like to understand whether this is a practice your organisation should consider and whether there are any potential disadvantages to adopting this method.

Reflective Account :-
This element of the assignment comprises your reflection on how you have developed your learning and academic skills during this module. You should consider your learning across the module not just related to completing the assignment. An important element is to fully reflect on working in a learning set. Try to reflect on your strengths and areas to develop. A key aspect is to state what you plan to work on in terms of skills and knowledge to enhance your academic performance and the importance of acting ethically and professionally in any future HR role you might have. This ‘Reflective Account’ is not given a mark but will be awarded a Pass or a Fail. Penalties will be applied for non-submission:- if your assignment is submitted without the reflective account then the assignment will automatically fail. If you do not participate in

Student Support and Guidance
1. For further help, contact your module leader in their drop-in hours or by email.
2. Use the Grading Criteria in your Programme Handbook and mark scheme to help improve your work.
3. Go to CASE workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours
4. Academic English for Business support is available through daily drop-ins from the CASE office. See the CASE workshop timetable on the CASE main website page for details.
5. Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details.
6.Explore the Subject Toolkit for Business to find the best quality sources for different types of business information. It lists all the Specialist databases we subscribe to for finding company financial marketing HR and tourism data.
7.Some tutors allow students to test their work using Turnitin Guidance on submission to Turnitin via Study Net can be found by using the following

Please note that for the essay, we expect a clear structure with an Introduction Main Body and Conclusion and you will need to attach a full Reference list at the end. The Harvard Referencing system must be used both for in text citations and layout of references at the end.

All students are advised to make use of the Centre for the Enhancement of Academic Skills guides to help prepare for assessments. For example: – Essay Writing Academic Writing Style Harvard Referencing; Reflective Writing; etc.

Note to all students: Marking and referencing
All student work needs to be of a high academic standard, in terms of written English and use of the Harvard Referencing System (HRS). This forms part of the UH Grading Criteria. Students should refer to the Assignments page on Canvas for the PG Grading Criteria.

Some important guidelines on assessment:
• Your essay should be submitted following the instructions detailed in this section and repeated on the Assignments Page of Canvas for this module.
• Failure to submit an electronic copy of your essay via Canvas on time without good cause will result in penalties as provided for in the University regulations. These may include a fail for that piece of work and for the module.
• Essays submitted for this module will be selected for electronic checking for plagiarism copying and other forms of cheating. •
• The electronic copy should be a single ‘Word’ file named as follows: Student Number People Resourcing Sem B, 2021_22
• You must not copy from another student nor allow other students to read or have an electronic copy of your work.
• See Academic Skills website for guidelines on writing essay and report etc.
• Coursework submitted up to one (1) week after the published deadline will receive a maximum numeric grade of 50 for level 7. Work submitted later than one (1) wee after the deadline will be awarded a fail grade.
• Students obtaining less than 20% for the module overall will not normally be eligible for a referral they will have to re-enrol on the module in the next academic year (FREN)

Feedback on your module
Coursework will be returned to you together with feedback no later than four (4) weeks after the submission deadline. Individual feedback will be given on the assignment feedback sheets. Formative and/or general feedback may also be given in class time or at drop in session.

7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment – UK

7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment

Extensions to coursework submission
Only Module Leaders have the discretion to grant individual short extensions to coursework deadlines for their module. Appropriate evidence will need to be provided to them ahead of the original deadline and students should ensure that they make an appointment to discuss their extension request with their Module Leader.

Where students face difficulties that would not be resolved by a short extension to the course work deadline then they should complete a Serious Adverse Circumstances’ form. Guidance on this process is provided in your Programme Handbook.

7BUS2051 People Resourcing Assignment – UK

Deferral/Referral Assessment
Re-submit your essay. You will also need to attach your reflective account as outlined above.
Test: Take alternate test.

Semester B referred/deferred coursework will be put on Canvas by TBD The submission date for all referred/deferred work is TBD

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