Subject Code :- 7FNCE031W
Title :- Banking Technology
Assessment Type :- Assignment
The context :- This module has comprehensively reviewed the capture and storage of data. As part of this undertaking we have considered the use of Databases Data Warehouses Data Marts and Data Lakes.
7FNCE031W Banking Technology Assignment – Westminster University UK

Your deliverable : design a database capable of capturing trades carried out by an Investment Bank’s Equity Desk. Load datasets provided. Carry out any cleansing activities you believe necessary to realise a comprehensive dataset.
You must:
1) Capture and fully define business objectives – be sure to address Equities and the needs of a Trading Desk
2) Design and justify database tables sufficient to achieve business objectives
3) Identify linkages across tables sufficient to facilitate access to data needed to achieve business objectives
4) Creation an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using Lucid Chart
5) Create indexes as needed insuring this database can support business objectives
6) Populating your database with data provided, using either PhPMyAdmin or SQL but note: selective load data
Provide full supporting justification for the chosen model. Provide a critical analysis of the chosen model identifying assumptions inherent. Note your database will be loading real world data provided by a Global Investment Bank in December 2020.

A complete submission will consist of
1) A report not to exceed 1,000 words
2) An ERD describing your proposed database
3) SQL programs or documented steps needed to create & populate your database
4) A populated database which will be examined as part of the grading process
Grading criteria:
1) Design and justification of the table or tables comprising your Database
2) Linkage across tables by keys and / or foreign keys, as necessary
3) Performance enhancements carried out, if any were identified if none were need clearly say so and justify
4) Populating your Database with data
5) Structure presentation referencing adherence to anonymous naming convention
Use of The University of Westminster School of Finance and Accounting Fin tech research database is compulsory
Word length: maximum of 1,000 words without appendices references table of contents etc.
Group size: 1 students / assignment
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