7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment – UK.

Module code: 7HR527 Credit Value:
Length : (– 1,600 words (+ / – 10%) )
This module aims to equip you with the professional skills you will need as you develop your career and move into more senior leadership roles. Through an experiential approach, you will develop critical skills in business including
communication, self-management, and self-direction. This module also provides an oversight and appreciation of the challenges of professional working. The module develops your academic study skills, your ability to critically review information and your referencing skills.
7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment – UK.

7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment

The development of a portfolio of academic and practical skills will underpin your study at postgraduate level, and support your journey through the programme and within your professional context.

Module assessment:
Component 1: COURSEWORK

Summary of Assessment Method :- Portfolio
An academic and practical reflective enquiry designed to enhance individual student’s academic
study skills and professional skills (4,000 words).
Weighting : Pass/Fail (100%) Assesses Learning Outcomes : – 1-3
Full details of the assessment will be provided during session time – as indicated in the Module Schedule. In broad terms, the assessment will include: ( Production of a portfolio which includes the following five elements
o Elements 1 -4- evaluation of the usefulness of reflection from your personal findings and perspective as a student

7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment – UK.

7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment

Your writing for each element should be 600 words (+ / – 10%)
Swot Analysis
Bel bin & group formation
Honey & Mumford
Reflection of your learning of the online library support sessions ( include the record of these sessions– form to be found in Blackboard/ module information)
o Element 5 reflective submission based around your own skill development during the module with particular attention to:  (– 1,600 words (+ / – 10%) )
Your overall reflection of your learning of this module, including your academic / study skills of reflective writing and referencing.  
How your learning from the personal skills of team roles, learning styles and communication will be useful in your academic and work careers, including a personal development plan

7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment – UK.

7HR527 Transforming Personal Skills Assignment

For elements 1 and 2 you need to include one academic reference. From element 3 onward, we will expect you include a minimum 3 academic references Element 5 should include minimum 8 academic references including one direct quote from an academic source A refence list should be included with each element of the coursework.
Transforming personal skill.

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7069SOH HLS Faculty Postgraduate Assessment – Coventry University UK.