Note 1: Due to the current corona virus pandemic, I have developed this Course Manual for students registered in my class. I will be making it available for the use on-line (asynchronous) on the Sakai platform in the form of separate chapters in the PowerPoint (pptx) format with my pre recorded narration (voice recording). Once you download a pptx file from Sakai, select the tab “Slide Show” and then select the tab “From Beginning”. If, for whatever reason, the slides do not switch automatically, press “Esc” key and then “Pg Dn” key.
MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment-Brock University UK.

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment

At the beginning of each week (most likely on the preceding Saturday or Sunday), I will be uploading the relevant chapters, according to the Class Schedule outlined below in this Syllabus. I have already uploaded the first chapter for those who would like to get ready for the course earlier – Course_Manual_Ch6_audio.

Textbook (recommended) : Business Research Methods and Statistics Using SPSS

Note 2: Because this course (as most of the other courses at Brock) is being offered on-line only, without any possibility of face-to-face contacts (“physical distancing”), we have to adjust accordingly our usual academic procedures/behaviors. Therefore, I will be communicating with each of you directly through email ONLY. Of course, you may communicate among yourselves the way you like but do please observe the physical distancing and other common sense behaviors (use only a phone, FB, Twitter, email, MS-Teams, etc.).Because I will have many students during this term, I will most likely need to handle many emails. Therefore, I am requesting the following DO’s and DONT’s in regards to the email etiquette.

DO’s and DONT’s:
1.Before you email me, DO FIRST check this Course Syllabus and study the chapters on Sakai.You may find answers to your questions already there. Do not unnecessarily clog up my Inbox.
2.If you think you still need my help, then of course DO email me. However, please do not try to reach me via Ms Teams chat – I will not be able to monitor it on a continuous basis. Instead, just email me.
3.Keep your email simple. Just start your message right away.
4.Remove any formal signatures under your email message, if you have any. Sign just with your first and last name and the course name. I do not need your student I.D. number!
5.Wait patiently for my response. I will not be confirming the receipt of your email (to keep the system as clean as possible). You will get my answer eventually and ASAP.
6.Do NOT email me back if you only want to thank me for my response/help! I thank you NOW in advance for all such thank you notes . Again, no unnecessary clogging up the system!

Note 3: In this this course, we will be using a computer program called SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). This is probably the most popular in the world software for research applications in business. Right now, to the best of my knowledge, you may access this the Learning and Working Remotely page the Virtual Labs link for information on accessing the Windows Virtual Desktop labs.

Note 4: In the future, should you have any problems with access to SPSS, please DO NOT email me, because I am not an expert in the IT domain. Instead, do email one of our GSB IT experts: either Harry Serabian (the Specialist) or – if Harry is unavailable – John D’ Amico (the Manager) You may also try emailing the GSB Tech Email: or Brock’s help desk assistance: or Matthew O ‘Beirn, Technical Analyst – Client Services

Learning Goals: This course has been designed to provide an in-depth understanding of a research process and to bring the world of research methods to students, and students to the research methods of the world. Students will gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience
in defining research problems, designing a research project, and in collecting, analyzing, recording, and interpreting data and presenting the results. The overarching objective of the course is to teach research methods through a combination of academic theory and practical
applications in social sciences in general and business in particular, all this aimed at spreading Brock’s reputation for excellence in research and innovation. The course will attempt to“strengthen both sides of the brain” by helping students to develop rational and analytical thinking as well as their creative sides.

Course Assignments and Grading (tentative; it may be changed in the final version of the Syllabus):

Note 5: Once finalized, the grading scheme presented above will NOT be altered under any circumstances.

Note 6: GROUP PROJECTS and EXAMS (presented in the Class Schedule below)
I will be creating groups of several students (the exact number will be determined once the class list is sufficiently finalized) in a RANDOM fashion. This means that it is ABSOLUTELY not possible to select your own group members for whatever reason. You have to learn how to successfully cooperate with strangers, as this will very often be the case.
2.Each of you will receive an email from me with a list of your group members. This should happen sometime after the first official week of classes.
3.I will be constantly checking the registration to my classes until it is officially closed. If you register after the first week of classes, please do email me and let me know that you do not have a group. I will either assign you randomly to one of the existing groups or will create your new group (depending on how many new students I will have).
4.I am offering a possibility to meet with each group of students on-line via MS-Teams for consultations (other means, such as Zoom, Lifesize, etc., are not possible).Note: I mean, not the entire Section of all students, but only one group of students (defined in p. 1 above) at a time.

Practically, I will be available during the term almost any reasonable time for a meeting. If your group needs a meeting, please email me in advance to find out what time would be convenient to all of us. Then, you will be responsible for setting up the MS-Teams meeting and inviting me to it.

Again, I repeat, please send me only an email first. Do NOT try to setup directly a meeting via MS-Teams using, for example, a Calendar in Teams or in Outlook without sending me an email first. I will not be responding to invitations via Ms Teams only.

During the meeting, I will not entertain any specific questions in regards to the home projects.We can only discuss methods, techniques, approaches, etc. generally described in the PowerPoint files. Of course, they may and will be related somehow to the home projects, but not in any direct and specific manner.

Summarizing, once we agree on a specific time slot, you as a group will be responsible for setting up an ad-hoc group meeting via Teams and inviting me to it. I will join your meeting at the time agreed earlier.

5.The contact by MS-Teams is NOT OBLIGATORY; it is only an option to choose if you want it. You can ALWAYS email me, WHENEVER you like, and I will respond/help as well.

6.Each group/individual project should have the following format:
Title page:

  • the name of the case (e.g., Case 6)

the number of your group that will be assigned to you randomly in my email (course name, section number, random group number assigned by me)

MBAB 5P20 S1 Gr5
MBAB 5P02 S2 Gr7

Note: course name and number, section number, group number – ALWAYS in this sequence.

– the group members in the alphabetical order by the LAST name, followed by the first name (do NOT provide student ID numbers!).

On the subsequent pages, provide the solution to the case (e.g., all your results, explanations,discussion, conclusions, managerial implications, etc.). I am not offering any specific guidelines here.Your choice. Just make sure that you have solved the problem described in the case and answered all possible questions that emerge from the case. I do not restrict the number of pages nor suggest the desired number of pages. It is up to you.

On the final pages, provide all the exhibits such as SPSS computer printouts whenever applicable,graphs, tables, and the like.

The text, calculations, etc. should be type-written (whenever possible and applicable), and neatly presented, SINGLE line spacing, one sided, (any font type of your choice size 10). Avoid/minimize hand writing/drawing. Use only when absolutely necessary.

Use only the information provided in the case and in the relevant PowerPoint files on Sakai. Do not use any other sources of information, e.g. additional literature, etc.

7.Each project has to be type-written, any relevant exhibits/computer printouts/etc. included, and then everything converted into a pdf file (not a WORD file!), and emailed to me:

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment-Brock University UK.

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment

IMPORTANT 1: with EXACTLY the following Subject Line:
MBAB 5P20 S1 Gr5 GHP1
MBAB 5P20 S2 Gr7 GHP2

IMPORTANT 2: Group projects (and exam projects as well) comprise more than one case. In your final submission please attach each case as a separate file in the pdf format (no Word format; such submissions will not be accepted, only in pdf).

For example, GHP1 will include 3 cases: Case1, Case2, and Case 3. Therefore, in your final email to me, you will attach 3 files in the pdf format:

MBAB 5P20 S2 Gr4 Case1
MBAB 5P20 S2 Gr4 Case2
MBAB 5P20 S2 Gr4 Case3

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment-Brock University UK.

In the case of the individual Midterm Exam (Mid), the email’s Subject Line should be, for example,

MBAB 5P20 S2 Mid (do not provide your name; I will know it from your email address).

In this case, the names of the attached files will be, for example:
MBAB 5P20 S1 Mid Case4
MBAB 5P20 S1 Mid Case5

In the case of the individual Final Exam (Fin), the email’s Subject Line should be, for example,

MBAB 5P20 S2 Fin (again, do not provide your name; I will know it from your email address).

The names of the attached files will be, for example:
MBAB 5P20 S2 Fin Case8
MBAB 5P20 S2 Fin Case9
MBAB 5P20 S2 Fin Case10
MBAB 5P20 S2 Fin Case11

IMPORTANT 3: Please do not attach any additional files, etc. with the calculations, etc. Include any such information as an Exhibit, at the end of your pdf report.

IMPORTANT 4: I need one email only, from one and only one group member (the group has to decide who will send it), on behalf of the entire group.
Whenever you send an email to me on behalf of the entire group, please make sure that ALL your group members’ email addresses are ALSO included. Always use “Reply all” mode when answering my emails to you.

IMPORTANT 5: I will not be providing any assistance concerning the projects’ questions. If in doubt, please do NOT email me in this regard. If necessary, make an assumption (based on what you have learned from the PowerPoint files) and justify it as best as you can.

IMPORTANT 6: If you submit an assignment (group/individual) in a format/way different from the above, this will indicate to me that you are unable to follow simple instructions. Should this be the case, I will deduct 5% points from the assignment’s mark. If you submit after the deadline,
I will deduct 5% points per day for each day (24 hours) an assignment submission is late.

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment-Brock University UK.

MBAB 5P20 Applied Business Research Assignment

Note 7: All the rules listed above apply to the INDIVIDUAL take-home midterm and final exams as well.
The take-home midterm and the final exams are individual in nature. The format will be the same as for the group projects. The exam must be submitted in the same way as your GHPs.

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