Subject Code & Title: 511 Service Improvement, Entrepreneurship And Innovation
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work
duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to
keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
511 Service Improvement Entrepreneurship And Innovation Assessment – Vocational Training Australia.
Learning outcome 1: Understand the provision for the adult care services market
Tell me about ….
1.1 Importance of entrepreneurial theory and skills in adult care services
Guidance for 1.1
Learners critically evaluate the importance of entrepreneurial skills within themselves, others and their own service
provision in respect of:
The differences between ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘innovation’
What is meant by an ‘entrepreneurial culture’
What is meant by an ‘innovative culture’
How to develop a culture that supports innovation, change, redevelopment and/or growth
How to positively encourage and exploit entrepreneurship and innovation in others for the benefit of the care service(s)
How to maintain a culture that supports growth and change
Learners should understand contemporary theories of entrepreneurship and decision making and how they could be
applied to adult care management:
Economic theories – providing incentives to achieve
Psychological theories – a vision and ability to manage opposition to change
Sociological theories – how values influence motivations, behaviours and beliefs in decision making
Entrepreneurship Innovation Theory – foresight, creativity
Theory of Achievement Motivation – doing things new and in a different way, high achievers
Needs Theory of Motivation – factors that motivate individuals behaviours
1.2 Factors and drivers likely to have an impact on the service provision
Topic 1.2
Learners analyse factors and drivers which could influence growth and change in service delivery to include current:
Political drivers
Local government initiatives
Internal directorates
Influence of the media
Funding – mechanisms and restraints
Access to resources – human, physical
Gaps in current market provision within service locality and beyond
Learners evaluate the impact the above might have in respect of supporting an entrepreneurial and innovation culture
within their service and related delivery
1.3 Wider markets and potential future demands
Guidance for 1.3
Learners analyse and compare the wider market in respect of similar care service provision with consideration of:
National care services, their role and market position
Local – public, private, not-for-profit and charitable sector and market position
How national and local services are commissioned, procured and funded and how this informs service availability
How own service relates to the wider market and is able to meet potential future demands of those in need of care and support
What challenges might be envisaged in future in respect of supply and demand of adult care services
1.4 Express vision in a way to engage and inspire others
Guidance for 1.4
Learners express the vision of the service succinctly in a way that:
engages and inspires external and internal stakeholders
is clear indicated to individuals and their families in receipt of services
expresses the service’s ‘statement of purpose’
is clearly linked to stated aims and objectives
meets legislative requirements
does not suggest a service that is not offered
Learning outcome 2: Understand the principles of effective change management
Tell me about the ….
2.1 Importance of embracing and inspiring change within adult care services
Guidance for 2.1
Learners consider both ‘imposed ‘and ‘self-created change’ relevant to their area of service, undertaking a critical evaluation of the impact this may have:
The impact of legislative changes
The impact of regulatory/inspection changes
Revenue/funding changes
Staffing/workforce changes
Managerial strategy and operational objectives
Changes in service/business ownership, mergers
2.2 Role of leadership in change management
Guidance for 2.2
Learners critically analyse the role their leadership has in the following areas:
Driving changes in service strategy and operational delivery
Leading by example – setting best practice
Incorporating , inspiring and encouraging others to recommend changes in care service provision e.g. teams, those in receipt of care services
Overcoming resistance and barriers to change
Business development and related opportunities
2.3 Theories, models and tools of change management
Guidance for 2.3
Learners investigate and critically evaluate change management theories and models focussing on their relevance and
application in their current leadership and management practice:
K Lewin – Change Management Model
D Kolb – The Learning Cycle
D McGregor -Theory ‘X’ (authoritarian) Vs ‘Y’ (participative)
F Herzberg – Two factor Theory (Motivation- Hygiene)
Kubler-Ross – Five Stage Model – The Change Curve
2.4 Innovation and business development
Guidance for 2.4
Leaner’s consider how change management theories and models support their own innovation and business development in respect of:
Service vision
Service strategy
Operational planning and delivery
Service quality
Integration and integrated services/ the wider adult care system
Learning outcome 3: Understand how to develop a vision for the future of the service
Tell me how you ….
3.1 Define personal role in relation to developing a vision for services
Guidance for 3.1
Learners explain the aims and objectives of their vision for their service area with consideration of:
The business planning process – maintenance of and potential growth
Competition/market competitors – national and local
Service redesign
Local and national data which informs their service area
Needs of individuals requiring care and support services
Needs of local communities
New trends in digital technologies and innovations
Risks – actual and potential
Their influence or not in respect of engaging in change and/or growth
Staffing needs in support of the above
3.2 Recognise areas within own service that require improvement in order to provide person centred care
Guidance for 3.2
Learners critically evaluate areas within own service that require improvement in order to provide person centred care,
taking into consideration:
Service planning and delivery
Staff views
Views of those in receipt of support and care services
Other stakeholders
Formal compliments/complaints
3.3 Review drivers relating to areas of service that require improvement
Guidance for 3.3
Learners investigate and review national and/or local drivers relating to areas of their service that informs service
Government reports
Public enquiries and outcomes
CQC reports/findings/recommendations
The Care Certificate
Media reports
Internal quality assurance reports/reviews
Formal service user reviews and evaluations
Internal business strategies and objectives
Changes in digital technologies
Community need
3.4 Evaluate research findings to formulate options for the future direction of services
Guidance for 3.4
Leaners evaluate findings to formulate options for the future direction of their care service which could
Strategy design
Operational delivery
Internal policy and procedures
Workforce training and development
Quality monitoring
Service user involvement
Innovations for change by self and/or others
Learners should ensure options formulated are bold, innovative and embody the core values of adult care
Learning outcome 4: Work with others to support an entrepreneurial culture
Tell me how you
4.1 Recognise aspects the organisation that need to be improved in order to be effective in providing a person centred service
Guidance for 4.1
Evaluate aspects of the organisation that are no longer effective in providing a person centred service.
4.2 Identify opportunities for growth and development
Guidance for 4.2
Learners work with others to identify opportunities for growth and development or redesign in as a service and a business.
4.3 Maintain a culture that supports innovation, change and growth
Guidance for 4.3
Learners maintain a culture that supports innovation, change and growth in relation to the service provided and recognises the resource available in the expertise of those using or working in the service.
511 Service Improvement Entrepreneurship And Innovation Assessment – Vocational Training Australia.
Declaration of authenticity:
When submitting your reflective account and evidence on Learning Assistant please ensure that you click on the
‘Declaration’ button on the top right-hand side of ‘Your Programme’ page. This confirms that the work you are submitting for your portfolio is your own.