Unit Title: Research Proposal
Length : 1,500 words, Harvard
You will submit a research proposal to investigate public opinion on government restrictions in relation to COVID-19 in response to a specific brief (see below). A research proposal is a statement of how you will design the research though you will not do any actual research for this assessment.There will be opportunities in the classes to work on your proposal. Please see the ‘Assessment’ section on Blackboard for more details about the proposal and how to write it. You will submit the proposal electronically and it will be assessed by the teaching team and marks and feedback will be
released on Blackboard too.
Research Proposal Assessment – UK.

Research Proposal Assessment

The research brief:
The Home Office is calling for research proposals to design a survey to investigate how the public feel about COVID-19 restrictions. In view of rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, the Home Office is keen to know the following:

Should the government introduce COVID-19 passports to restrict access to events to people who have been doubly- vaccinated?

Should there be tougher penalties on people who do not comply with COVID-19 regulations?

The brief needs to provide the following information:
Clear aims for the research and specify the research question
The advantages of the survey method for this research
A sampling strategy to gain a representative cross-section of public opinion
The questionnaire
Ethical and practical issues.

Research Proposal Assessment – UK.

Research Proposal Assessment

The proposal needs to show some knowledge and understanding of how the government has handled restrictions during the pandemic in terms of regulation and enforcement and how the public have responded. It needs to explain what methodological decisions you have taken with reference to the research design and to address the ethical and practical concerns about doing the research. To complete the proposal successfully, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of the survey method through reading research methods textbooks and applying your knowledge to
the decisions you take in how you design and explain the research. Remember that you are not doing any research for this assessment. See Blackboard for more guidance.

Research Proposal Assessment – UK.

In marking the proposal, tutors will consider your ability to: identify a clear aim and research questions that enables you to respond to the brief, demonstrate your understanding of the government handling of COVID-19 restrictions and public opinion about them. This must be based on reading a range of sources and applying that knowledge in the research design identify effective questions to help you respond to the questions raised in the research brief explain how you would address the ethical and practical issues in the research design, demonstrate an understanding of the
strengths and limitations of the method, present the information clearly in the proposal using good academic English and following appropriate referencing requirements.

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ELEE1169 Research Planning And Communications Assignment – UK