Subject Code & Title : BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis
You are required to produce a 2,000 word report which addresses the 8 tasks below.
Tasks 1 to 6 relate to technical details about survey research and statistical analysis while Tasks 7 and 8 require you
to consider the marketing implications of our survey findings and make marketing recommendations for Places For
BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2 Exeter University – UK.

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2

Criteria for evaluation of your report :
➢ you should demonstrate accuracy and clarity in your explanations and interpretations of the statistical procedures you carry out or are commenting on
➢ you should employ the correct use of technical terms such as:
o levels of measurement of data: e.g. categorical, ordinal, interval/ratio
o accurate naming of specific tests and procedures for specific purposes
➢ you should clearly articulate how your choice of test is informed by the number of categories in the grouping
➢ for Task 7 you should be clear about which specific domains of the marketing mix frameworks you are drawing
upon and how these concepts underpin your marketing recommendations.

Task 1 :
According to the latest census data from the Office for National Statistics, the 18 years and over population of the South West region is approximately 4,546,000.

Use the online sample size calculator at to answer the following questions [nb – do not use commas between numbers when you enter the population size into the calculator]:

Task 1.1
For our sample size of 248, what margin of error do we have for the finding for Question 4 on support for “National environmental organisations” in which 80 per cent of respondents said “No” and 20 per cent said “Yes”?

Task 1.2
If the finding for that question had been that 50 per cent of respondents said “No” and 50 per cent said “Yes”, what would our margin of error have been?

Word count guide for Tasks 1.1 and 1.2: very few words if any are required in this task as the answers are numerical.

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2 Exeter University – UK.

Task 2 :
Considering our use of the Prolific subscribers to generate our data, please provide a critical analysis of the representativeness of our sample. You will need to consider that the population of interest is all people of 18 years and over located in the South West of England.

Task 3 :
Test the hypothesis that respondents in different age groups [Qu16_Age] had different mean times to complete the survey [V2_Completion_time].

You should:
1. explain the rationale behind your choice of statistical test
2.with reference to the relevant output estimates, explain the reasons why you performed each step of the analytical procedure
3.with reference to the relevant p value, state whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between age group and survey completion time if relevant, perform any post-hoc comparisons:
• explain your choice of post-hoc test; and
• identify between which groups the statistically significant difference/s lies
• describe the nature of any difference/s in means that the post-hoc test reveals

Task 4 :
Test the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the variables “Q7_3_Barrier_Lack_of_knowledge” and “Q7_4_Barrier_Lack_of_confidence”.

You should:
• explain the rationale behind your choice of statistical test
• state whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between Qu 7.3 and Qu 7.4
• correctly report the findings from the test including the p value
• interpret the strength of the observed effect size for the test

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2 Exeter University – UK.

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2

Task 5 :
For this task there are four hypotheses for you to test.
Using “Q16_Age“ as the grouping variable, perform tests to evaluate whether or not responses to the following four variables have a statistically significant relationship with respondents’ ages:
• Q11_1_Beauty_In_Nature
• Q11_2_Makes_Me_Happy
• Q11_3_Spend_Time_Nature
• Q11_4_Part_of_nature

You should:
• explain the rationale behind your choice of statistical test
• correctly report the findings from the four tests including the p value
• summarise which of the tests identified a statistically significant relationship between “Q16_Age“ and the four test variables

Task 6 :
For this task there are three hypotheses for you to test.

Using “Q13_Access_to_Outdoor_Spaces” as the grouping variable, perform tests to evaluate whether or not responses to the following three variables have a statistically significant relationship with respondents’ outdoor space access:
• Q5_1_Mental_Health
• Q5_2_Spend_Time
• Q5_3_See_Nature

You should:
• explain the rationale behind your choice of statistical test
• correctly report the findings from the three tests including the p value
• summarise which of the tests identified a statistically significant relationship between “Q13_Access_to_Outdoor_Spaces” and the three test variables

Task 7 :
The is the largest of the tasks (actually split into two tasks, 7.1 and 7.2) in the Assignment 2 Report and moves us away from the more technical aspects of statistics and analysis and into considering the marketing implications of our survey findings.

Below, Steven has introduced the findings from two of the Likert-type scales in survey Question 9. Please review the information provided and then carefully read the instructions for Tasks 7.1 and 7.2 and also the guidance for completing these tasks.

Q9 in our survey was presented as follows:
Places For Nature would like to know what support they can provide for communities. Please indicate the extent to which each of the following means of support would be helpful in allowing you to get involved (or get more involved) with community nature projects.

Task 7 is based on the following analyses of Questions 9.3 and 9.4.
Mann-Whitney U-tests were performed to test the hypotheses that there are statistically significant differences in mean ranks for responses to Qu 9.3 and Qu 9.4 when respondents are grouped into Males and Females.

The findings are presented in the following tables and figures.

Figures 7.1 and 7.2 below provides further details, allowing us to see the proportion of males and females indicating different degrees of helpfulness for the two support methods.

Figure 7.1 – Distribution of males and females for Qu 9.3 (Provision of Equipment)

The tasks for you to complete are as follows

Task 7.1
For Qu 9.3, interpret the findings presented above for the Mann-Whitney U-test and draw upon the marketing mix frameworks that we have studied from McCarthy (1960), Booms and Bitner (1981) and Lauterborn (1991) to make a set of marketing recommendations for Place For Nature. As a minimum, you should draw upon 2 of the elements from each of those frameworks.

Task 7.2
For Qu 9.4, although no statistically significant differences were observed between males and females in this analysis, make some brief marketing recommendations for PFN regarding the marketing of “Expertise in helping to improve community green spaces”. Once again, draw upon the marketing mix frameworks that we have studied from McCarthy (1960), Booms and Bitner (1981) and Lauterborn (1991) to make your recommendations. For this part of the task, you should draw upon at least 2 of the 11 elements that are included across those three frameworks. This can be
two from one framework, or two of the frameworks, or from across all three marketing mix frameworks.

Task 8 :
Question 4 in the survey asked “Do you support – e.g. are you a member of, or do you donate any time or money to – any local, national or international nature-related organisation(s) or group(s)?”. Respondents then provided a yes/no answer for each of the three levels.

Steven has computed a new variable called “Q4.4_Any_Level_support” which has the value “1 = Yes” for respondents who responded ‘yes’ to support at either local, national or international levels. “0 = No” is allocated to respondents who did not respond ‘yes’ at any of the levels.

The chi-square analysis shown in Table 8.1 below indicates that there is a statistically significant association (p = 0.002) between “Q4. 4_Any_Level_support” and “Q12_Comm_work_volunteer”(which asks “Are you, or have you been, involved in community work or volunteering?”).

We can see in Table 8.1 that the analysis is valid since 0% of cells have an expected value of less than 5.

NB – SPSS automatically runs Fisher’s Exact Test when the cross tabulation involves two variables each with two values. We don’t need to use the Fisher’s Exact test result in this case since the Pearson’s chi-square test is valid – notably, the p values for Pearson’s and Fisher’s are the same anyway, at 0.002.

The tasks for you to complete are as follows

Task 8.1
Briefly outline what the chi-square cross tabulation in Table 8.2 tells us about the association between respondents’ support for environmental organisations at either local, national or international levels and involvement in community work or volunteering. For guidance on how to do this you

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2 Exeter University – UK.

BEM2044 Consumer And Market Analysis Assignment 2

Task 8.2
Considering your interpretation of the findings in Task 8.1, outline your marketing recommendations for PFN with regard to marketing communication methods for recruiting new volunteers for community green space projects.

Guidance for Task 8.2

o you should perform similar chi-square analyses to identify whether or not there are any statistically significant associations between “Q12_Comm_work_volunteer” and support for environmental organisations at the individual local, national and international levels [that is, survey questions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3]. You can then report those results and make marketing recommendations based on those results.


Analysis And Verification Concurrent System Assessment – UK.