Unit Code & title : UMAD47-15-M Managing Finance
Weighting : 75 per cent of total module mark
Assessment Type : Assignment
Word Count : 2000 words
Assessment Instructions : Choose from one of the two options.
Option A-
You are required to write an investigatory business report identifying problems and/or recommending solutions for improvement in the management of profitability, liquidity and/or efficiency of an existing business either from students’ own workplace or a public listed company* (PLC). This will be carried out by using Ratio Analysis on the latest data available in the published financial statements of the business for 2019-2021.Absence of data for 2021 will lead
to a failure in this assignment. You should use the ratios which were taught in this module.This is an individual piece of work. The report should be predominately analytical rather than descriptive. Please read the marking guidelines carefully which give a good indication on the possible contents and strucutre for this report.
UMAD47-15-M Managing Finance Assignment – West England University UK.
*Marks & Spencer Plc is a case study for our class discussion. Students are not allowed to choose this company. Using Marks & Spencer data for the analysis will lead toa failure in the coursework.
Option B –
This option is available to students who would like to start a business in the future. It gives you an opportunity to put that idea in words and numbers, research on related matters e.g. demand and need for the idea, industry growth, marketing etc. and how you would start the business by taking into account the capital required and how it would be invested. You should state your assumptions clearly on the expected inflows (sales ) and outflows (expenses) and give a detailed breakdown of these items. You will be required to construct a monthly cash flow budget,budgeted Income Statement and budgeted Balance Sheet for the first year of this future business. This report should be written in a professional manner using tables and graphs with clear sections and headings. This is an individual piece of work. You should also follow the guidance given in the class.
Formative feedback and support during the module :-
You will have plenty of opportunities to discuss this coursework during the classes where you will receive guidance on which companies to choose and how to get started. You will have an opportunity to present and discuss your plan or draft with the tutor in a one-to-one meeting.
Further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site for this module and includes:
• Assessment details
• Assignment advice
• Examples of Executive summary
• How to write a business report
Formatting :-
Please use the following file format
MS Word or PDF (with correct word count)
Only ONE file must be submitted. Markers may choose to ignore other attachments.
We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software and can not guarantee to mark incorrect formats.
The first page of your coursework must include :-
• Your student number
• The module name and number
• Your word count
• The coursework title
UMAD47-15-M Managing Finance Assignment – West England University UK.
Word Limit :
The maximum word limit for this coursework is 2000 words
• There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will not be marked, in line with UWE Bristol’s Word Count Policy.
• In line with UWE policy, this word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
• The Executive summary, appendices, references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references) are NOT included in this word count.
Referencing and Assessment Offences :-
Please ensure you reference all sources used when developing your assessment, using the UWE Harvard system. Failure to properly reference your work to original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the assessment or more serious implications. Further guidance on correct referencing is available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
outlines potential offences and it is your responsibility to understand this policy and avoid potential offences. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills
Text-matching software (e.g. Safe Assign) is used to check every submission against other submissions made at the same time, previous submissions to UWE and other universities, and internet sources. We may also manually search for matches. When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own.
It is an assessment offence to:-
1.copy work from any source, including your own previous assessments, and present it as your own work for this assessment, or to provide your own work to others
2.to work with others on the assessment in any way, or for anyone to make amends on your work (including proofreaders, who may highlight issues but not edit the work)
3.change individual words but keep, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other sources: this will be detected by text-matching software. Please write in your own words and style to convey your own learning.
UMAD47-15-M Managing Finance Assignment – West England University UK.
Instructions for submission :-
You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment is displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in my UWE, the Coursework tab in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course.
Please allow sufficient time to upload your assignment, as the system becomes busier and slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your information is submitted at one attempt to avoid overwriting your intended submission. Always check and retain your receipts.
For full guidance on online submission through Blackboard, see UWE’s Academic Advice pages on Assignments.
Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submission date.
Before submitting your work, please ensure that:
A.You have proof read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
B. You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
C. You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
D. You have addressed each of the marking criterion
E. The submission is in the correct format
F.This assessment has a three day grace period in which students can submit their work without penalty. While students are expected to plan their work so that they are not impacted by minor illness or delay, if you experience difficulties which affect your ability to submit your work at the published deadline the University allows a three day grace period in which you can submit your work without penalty for this type of assessment.Please note that the submission deadline at the conclusion of the three day grace period is absolute and based on UWE server time, therefore you are strongly advised to submit work well ahead of the deadline dates to avoid your work not being accepted for marking.
Personal Circumstances :
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), seek advice from a Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity. Appointments can be made via an Information Point or online via the Student Support Pages.
UMAD47-15-M Managing Finance Assignment – West England University UK.
Student Support Advisers can advise as to whether you should submit an application for ‘Personal Circumstances (PCs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the application.Further details on PCs can be found on the Student Support Pages.
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