Module Code : 1502
Programme Title : Digital Marketing
Module Title : Advanced Digital Toolkit
Assignment Title : Prototype Web-Based Platform and Reflective Blog
Level : 5
Weighting : 100%
Essay/Report Format : Other (please state in “Assignment Task” below)
Assignment Word Count : 2,500 words for Reflective Blog
Module Learning Outcomes covered in this assignment :
1.To demonstrate a deeper understanding of web development,focusing on UX design.
2.To display a proficiency in using UX and UI principles to design a web-based platform for a stated purpose.
3.To analyse and evaluate the application of UX design and suggest practical improvements for the future.
1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment – Birmingham University UK.

1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment

Assignment Task:
Part 1
Pasto is a soon to launch Italian eatery located in Birmingham, they are specialists in traditional Italian
favourites such as pizza and pasta and will offer dine-in and take-away options.The company would like to develop a dedicated app which would allow potential customers to do the following:

  • Find out more about the restaurant (you will be provided with further information)
  • Look at the menu options (food and drinks) (you will be provided with further information)
  • Book a table for dining in
  • Check to see which areas the restaurant delivers to
  • Contact the restaurant
  • Overall the app must be simple and intuitive to use.

You will act as the app developer and submit a prototype design that addresses the above points. You will
also need to create a brand identity for the restaurant and submit a sitemap and wire frames to demonstrate your early design phase.

Part 2 :
You are required to create an online reflective blog that critically evaluates and reflects on your experience
of creating the app prototype in Part 1. The blog should cover an 8-week period from week commencing 1 st November 2021 (NOT including the Christmas holidays). You will need to post an entry every week of
approximately 312 words. You can base your weekly posts around the following points:

1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment – Birmingham University UK.

1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment
  • What was covered in class that week and how does this impact your thinking around your app
    prototype creation.
  • What are your personal thoughts around the topic covered that week? Have you seen the principles
    discussed applied in some of the websites and apps that you use?
  • Once you start creating your app prototype you will also need to provide a short update on how you
    are progressing with it and how you’re applying UX design principles.
  • Once you have started creating your app prototype, but especially towards the end of your blog (in
    your final few posts), you will need to analyse and evaluate your application of UX design principles
    in your prototype. Have you applied them correctly? If not, why not? What obstacles did you face?
    How would you do it differently next time? Once your prototype is finished, evaluate it and reflect
    on how you could improve it next time from a UX perspective.

Where possible connect your experiences back to theory, showing evidence of independent research along the way.

Task Guidance:
1.You must use to create your app pro to type.

1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment – Birmingham University UK.

1502 Advanced Digital Toolkit Assignment

2.Your blog can be set up on a Content Management System of your choice i.e. Word Press or Wix.

3.Your blog is personal to you and should reflect your personality and experiences.Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards. For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vod cast available on Canvas.

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