Subject Code & Title : U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional
Assessment Type : Assignment
This proposal aims to provide an overview of research to be undertaken at Age Concern England,a charitable organisation headquartered in Portsmouth.
U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment – UK.

U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment

A.Title: Employing values based recruitment methods to support retention strategies in the Charity.
B. Aim:To improve retention rates and contribute to overall organisational effectiveness.

This work was specifically requested by the placement organisation.There is a particular difficulty in recruiting senior managers to the charity. Turnover of senior staff is found to have a negative effect on the organisation but newer recruits have the opportunity to reshape the organisation and challenge existing ways of doing things (Holder & North, 2012). A number of higher level posts remain unfilled. There
is a need to make sure those candidates who are selected are a good match for the organisation.

C.Literature Review :
There is almost no literature that focuses specifically on utilising values-based recruitment methods for senior managers, executives or directors. The current body of research focuses on utilising values-based recruitment or interview methods for senior managers

Values based recruitment is an approach which attracts andrecruits employees on the basis that their individual values and behaviours align with the values of the sector in question.This should take place as part of existing recruitment processes which assess aptitude and skills.

The purpose of our values based recruitment (VBR) programme was to ensure that we recruit the right workforce not only with the right skills and in the right numbers, but with the right values to support effective team working in delivering excellent patient care and experience.

The process of on boarding is more general within the sector, not specifically addressing senior appointments but all staffing.

U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment – UK.

U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment

A body of academic literature surrounding on boarding, induction and assimilation does exist,alongside academic literature on selection, recruitment and interviewing of senior managers, executives and directors. A summary is provided as well as research point(s) for investigation questions. The main challenge during preliminary research gathering was finding recent research, ideally within the last 10 years, preferably last 5 years

Research suggests that the selection process of executives is not vigorous enough and needs more than a talent management committee and the promotion of internal employees. Day,for example, argues that executive selection is a process not a decision and are view by Martin and Pope (2008) find that competency-based interview methods can be inflexible and limited. Instead, the use of alternatives such as ability tests and unstructured interviews are proposed.

D. Objectives Research Questions :
1.In what ways might VBR offer a solution to AC’s management retention problems?
2.How are SM’s being assimilated into the organisation?
3.What recommendations could be made in the light of this research?

Please highlight the appropriate responses for YOUR study

U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment – UK.

U25089 Research Skills For The HR Professional Assignment

Answer all 5 questions
1.Is your study positivist / pragmatist / inter pretivist ?
2.Will your data be quantitative / qualitative / mixed ?
3.Are you gathering secondary data / primary data / both ?
4.How will you gather the data semi structured interviews surveys focus groups ethnographic other ?
5.(a) If you are using secondary data, what is your source? ACE retention policy; ACE recruitment procedure; exit interviews
5.(b) If you are gathering primary data, what is your sample?Employees at ACE

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