Module Code : 7COM1034
Module Title : Theory and Practice of Artificial Intelligence
Assignment Title : CW1 Affective Robotics
Group or Individual Assignment : Individual
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed By This Assignment:
Knowledge And Understanding Of:
1.a variety of AI techniques and methods applicable across a range of problem domains, including advanced AI concepts and their relevance in those domains
2. have a knowledge and deep understanding of the construction of AI models by using AI techniques.
7COM1034 Affective Robotics Assignment – UK.

7COM1034 Affective Robotics Assignment

Skills and attributes:
1. critically evaluate some recent Artificial Intelligence paradigms for building intelligent systems;
2. demonstrate that you can apply some of the concepts and techniques covered on the module to the
solution of problems in one or more application domains such as robot controllers

Submission Requirements :
This is assignment is to be submitted and marked anonymously. Students should ONLY use their student ID number to identify themselves on their work. Work submitted via Study Net for anonymous marking will automatically have an anonymity number allocated to it.

You need to submit: (1) this completed Assignment Submission Form, and (2) One PDF file with your
answers to all the questions of the coursework, via Study net Canvas by 22:00 on March.

Internal Moderation :
This assignment has been internally moderated.

7COM1034 Affective Robotics Assignment – UK.

7COM1034 Affective Robotics Assignment

I confirm:

1.That the assignment set, meets the requirements of the module and that the brief provides
appropriate content for students to successfully complete the assignment.
2.That the assessment is at an appropriate level and matches QAA level descriptors and is an
appropriate form of assessment within the total range of assessments for this module
3.That the marking scheme is attached and that students can determine how marks are allocated.
4.That this assessment can be completed and marked within University time frames, and provides detailed feedback (more than just a grade) that supports learning.

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