Unit Code & Title :- BMSK4002 Effective Team Working And Communication
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2
For the first section, you have been asked to examine the effectiveness of workplace communication by applying theories, models and ideas that you have researched to practical examples from the workplace.
BMSK4002 Effective Team Working And Communication Assignment 2 – UK.
Communication Cycle :-
You will need to understand the Communication Cycle in order to explain its importance in the workplace.
This model was first introduced by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in 1949 in their book The Mathematical Theory of Communication and it shows the communication process as a transmission model as seen in their original diagram below.
Areas to explore:
• What happens when a message is misunderstood by the receiver?
• What happens when it isn’t received at all?
• What is Noise*?
• How can it be overcome?
• What sort of channels can be used to communicate?
The original model has been expanded and built upon over the years beginning with the SMCR Model which was introduced by David Berlo in 1960 and this model explored the different skills and attitudes used in the deceptively simple act of sending and receiving a message.
Noise :
Listen to the podcast on Noise* on this page (scroll down for podcast)
BMSK4002 Effective Team Working And Communication Assignment 2 – UK.
Communication Models
Have a read of the article by Peter Blenkinsop (2010) – full link in the Refences section and on the image below – about the Communication Cycle and think about how it is used in YOUR workplace
• Can you relate it to good or bad examples of communication?
• What happened and why?
• How could the problem have been avoided (if bad)?
• Why did it work well (if good)?
Communication in the Workplace
Click on the images above to go to the relevant articles.
You should be looking at all types of communication (verbal, written, nonverbal – body language etc) and assessing the methods used where YOU work.
How well does your organisation match up to the ideals in terms of effective communication?
Think about why this is and how they could improve if needed.
Active Listening
is a particular communication skill that is poorly understood and practised by most people
What type of listener are you?
What types of listeners are your colleagues, managers etc.?
How can this affect communication at work
he second section asks you examine your own communication skills.
Assessing own Communication Skills
You will have provided feedback forms to the rest of the people in your presentation group and collated these result on a short form containing an analysis of the feedback received.This information should be used to inform your analysis of your own communication skills in your Report in Part 2 and can assist you when you are producing your PDP in terms of which areas of weakness you should focus on for improvement
You should include this document as an Appendix in your Part 2 Report by copying and pasting the contents into an Appendix and referring to it in your report.
Submitting these completed forms as part of your Report IS an important part of the assignment and non submission will result in failure, so please don’t neglect this!
You can also doing a couple of self assessment tests online to get an idea of your communication strengths and weaknesses.Try the Mind Tools and Skills You Need tests linked to in the References – but any online self assessment quiz is acceptable.You can screenshot* the results of these tests and add them as Appendices to your assignment having discussed their findings and how they compare to your own views on your communication skills and those of your friends and colleagues.
Ask others to assess you using the questionnaires on Moodle if you have the time.
Personal Development Plan
Produce a PDP (Personal Development Plan) to overcome your weaknesses and build on your strengths in terms of your communication skills as a Manager.Using the PDP template (and a Gap Analysis) identify some SMART Actions that you are going to take. (See Appendix A for more details on SMART Objectives Actions). (If you did this in an earlier Assignment, you may be able to modify your plans for this module, inasmuch as they relate specifically to Communication.
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