Subject Code & Title :- BIO4115 Summative
Assignment Type :- Assignment
Summative assessment for BIO4115
Select 3 out of the 5 topics below and follow the guideline in each.
You should submit 3 critical review of 1000-1200 words each excluding references. Submit each critical review separately using the appropriate Turnitin drop box on the MyLearning site. Please do not include your name or student number in the submission Your submission will be marked anonymously.
BIO4115 Summative Assignment – UK

BIO4115 Summative Assignment

1.Water and waste water assessment
A critical review of the water and wastewater testing and framework– Maximum 1000-1200 words You are invite to write a report to communicate and evaluate the available methods for testing water and waste water effluents physico/chemical and microbiological parameters

The report should refer to one of the following
1.The methods and the regulatory requirements and their origin in terms of the physico/chemical parameters in wastewater effluent or
2.The methods and the regulatory requirements and their origin in terms of the microbial indicators in natural waters.

The report should provide
• A description and comments and a critic on the standard methods used
• A discussion of the regulatory framework in the UK and the standards imposed on water and waste water treatment and environ mental impact

This review aims to help you develop technical report writing skill and appraise the best available technique for water and wastewater within the regulatory framework.

The literature is a critical aid in writing the report and you are expected to use it as much as possible. The use of research articles as well as government and international agency reports within the context of the write up is also strongly encouraged. These should always be properly cited.

2.Chemical contamination of drinking water

Case study: Arsenic in drinking water

Background :-
In the 1960s and 70s the infant mortality rate in Bangladesh was in the range of 150-200 per 1000 live births. One of the main causes of this high rate was the incidence of water-bourne diseases like diarrhoea arising from poor quality surface water. Authorities decided to switch the water supply from surface water to groundwater using tube wells to reduce the incidence of water-bourne diseases and this action had success. However in 1983 the first cases of arsenicosis were reported and since then studies have shown that large areas of Bangladesh have high levels of arsenic in the groundwater.

Your task :-
Your case study question is a simple one:
Was the decision to switch the water supply a good one?

3.Waste management :

Imagine that you are an environmental consultant and one of your clients has asked you to provide a report that out lines one technical solution that would be appropriate to manage the non recyclable municipal solid waste produced in a particular country. You can choose any country you wish it may be where your home is a country where you have worked or a country where you wish to work in the future.

Your report should be 1000-1200 words long (excluding numerical tables and your list of references) and be structured round the following topics.

A 100-word abstract that summarises your answer.

The back ground to waste management in the country of your choice the amount of waste produced its composition and how it is managed at present.

Waste policies in the country any existing and proposed targets for waste recycling and recovery policies relating to carbon emissions and plans to adopt a circular economy.

How your selected process fits in with the national policies explain how this technology will help the country to meet its policy aims the contributions that the plant makes to pollution minimisation and to building a more circular economy.

The technology that you have selected provide a summary of how the process works how it will control pollution and of the environ mental emissions and any environ mental benefits from the process.

4.Contaminated land
A case study analysis is listed below Review the information carefully and write a report to the Council Environ mental Committee on your findings and recommendations You should address three main a spects:

i) Provide a theoretical conceptual model for the contaminated site below. Clearly demonstrating the pollution linkage.
ii) Evaluate the information in Table 1 would you consider the site contaminated and why?
iii) Recommend a treatment-based remediation strategy and explain the rationale of your choice.

Site Location and Background :-
The site is located in Mdxfield UK. It includes a pharmaceutical production plant from 1955 to 1987. Contamination resulted from waste handling of practices at the site. The plant disposed of wastes at six areas near the plant and discharged waste water into Petite Brook a tributary of River Grande The majority of the manufacturing plant area and the six waste disposal areas are now vacant where residential land with a housing density of 120 dwellings and un developed land surround the site. The company who owned the plant donated part of the site property to the City of Mdxfield to be redeveloped into a public recreation space.

BIO4115 Summative Assignment – UK

Threats and Contaminants
Site investigations found contamination in debris ground water sediment sludge and soil (Table 1). The main compounds detected include: metals benzene phenols and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). The site’s ground water contamination was with in the boundaries of the plant area of the site and the boundaries of one of the six satellite disposal areas.

BIO4115 Summative Assignment

5.Air Pollution
Review the paper cited below Critically analyse the air pollution monitoring strategy and modelling described. Evaluate the issues of air quality affected by road traffic and airports as discussed by the authors and with references to other literature.

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