Module code and title :- LC560 Gender And Sexuality In Society
Assessment Type :- CW1 Portfolio Assignment
Weighting :- 100%
Word limit :- is 2,500.
Assignment task :-
1. Critically discuss TWO or more theoretical perspectives that we have discussed during the module and apply those theoretical perspectives to at least THREE every day experiences of gender and/or sexuality.
LC560 Gender And Sexuality In Society Assignment – UK
The portfolio should include an explanation and critical discussion of your chosen theoretical perspectives this should form the bulk of the word count and should draw on the weekly module readings. The examples of every day experiences should be knitted into this discussion. Keep the description of the examples to a minimum, instead using the wordcount to explain why the theoretical perspectives you are using help to interpret and understand the everyday examples. Add a copy of your chosen examples including live links, to an Appendix at the end of your assignment and refer to this in your discussion.
Examples of everyday experiences of gender and/or sexuality can come from a very wide range of sources for example news papers magazines online media blogs films exhibitions documentaries radio broad casts.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the debates in the sociology of gender and sexuality
2. Critically interpret evidence from every day experiences of gender and sexuality in relation to academic debates on the sociology of gender and sexuality.
3.Use theory to interpret and illuminate everyday experiences of social life and social structures.
4. Demonstrate a critical understanding of academic evidence and how it can be used to construct an argument.
5. Critically evaluate academic arguments in order to build understanding of gender and sexuality in society.
Task requirements
• Font size 12 point
• Do NOT include your name anywhere on your assignment
• Line spacing 1.5 or more
How your work will be assessed
You will be assessed using the following criteria:
• Fulfilment of all aspects of the assessment task – read the task carefully and make sure all aspects of it are included use the Fit to Submit checklist at the end of this brief.
• Breadth and quality of research – make use of the weekly module readings and do independent research using the Library search facilities including searching SAGE and SOCIndex journal databases for relevant up to date academic research. Cite these sources in the text of your assignment using them to back up points you are making.
• Under standing explain points clearly and back them up with appropriate evidence
• Critical analysis evaluate the theoretical ideas and discuss the ways in which these ideas can help interpret gender and/or sexuality
• Application of theory use your chosen theoretical perspectives to explain the examples from every day life
• Quality of writing good paraphrasing strong authorial voice clear explanations and discussion well structured
• Referencing Harvard referencing throug hout. Provide a full and accurate reference list only list the sources you have cited in your assignment.