Module Code :- ACC7507
Assessment Type :- Assignment 1
Assessment Number 1: Report (50%)
Assessment Title :- Corporate Governance
Assessment Length :- 4,500 words
Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Describe the regulatory framework for an auditor including professional and ethical considerations.
LO6: Demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues and developments in auditing.
ACC7507 Advanced Audit And Assurance Assignment – UK
Assignment brief/required:
Analyse the structures that should be in place for effective corporate governance and compare and contrast the influence that institutional shareholders have on a company’s corporate governance with that of share holders in a company comprising many individual investors.
You should consider the views of both academic commentators and those from the accountancy profession.
Secondary Research Level HE7 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
Specific Assessment Criteria :-
Distinction (70% and above)
Students will show a thorough under standing of what constitutes effective corporate governance and the principles which underpin the UK Corporate Governance Code.
Students will analyse those principles with expertise and provide excellent examples
which contrast effectively the influence of institutional shareholders and individual
investors. They will provide their own views to reach a well-rounded conclusion.
Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be excellent.
Merit :-
Students will show a good understanding of what constitutes effective corporate
governance and the principles which underpin the UK Corporate Governance Code.
They will analyse competently the principles of good corporate governance, outlining the different influence of institutional shareholders.
They will provide a rounded conclusion. Research demonstrating use of a wide range of secondary research will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be good.
Pass :-
Students will show an understanding of what constitutes effective corporate governance and the principles which underpin the UK Corporate Governance Code.They will analyse the principles of good corporate governance showing an under standing of the different influence of institutional shareholders and individual investors. Research demonstrating use of a range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be fair.
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