Module Code & Title :-  MK3556 Creative Communication
Assessment Type :-  Assignment 2
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 
1. Understand and analyse creative elements within an integrated marketed communication campaign
2. Develop the big idea through creative thinking techniques and craft powerfully written copy for use with integrated marketing campaigns
MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

The Brief/Instructions  :-
 Assessment 2 is aligned to Module Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 a clear under standing of these is essential before attempting this assessment
 Students are required to work in groups with a minimum contribution of each group member equalling 1,000-words
 Students will develop a 30-second Radio/Podcast advertisement as part of an Integrated Marketing Campaign for a product or service of their choice
 The IMC must have at least 2 creative elements (Radio Advertisement + 1) with clear rationale coherent narrative and critical links

Assessment Task: 
1. MS Sway or Canva Presentation should be utilised to present the IMC creative content elements
a. With the Radio Advertisement embedded
2. Students must demonstrate an under standing of and ability to apply creative thinking techniques by clearly detailing the content development process
3. The creative elements should be critically annotated with relevant marketing theory cited to support rationale

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

Assessment Criteria:
 Creative content quality and rationale (30%)
 Knowledge and critical understanding (30%)
 Research, evidence and interpretation (25%)
 Presentation, structure and referencing (15%)

Preparation for the Assessment  
 Students should ensure they have reviewed the assessment brief and gained clarity via a tutor
 Please refer to the recorded assessment brief on Blackboard
 Review module materials on Blackboard, in particular relevant teaching sessions
 Gain formative feedback for assessment development from tutors during workshops
 Utilise the Module Reading List via the following Link or the Reading List tab on Black board

– Please use the UCLan coversheet provided on Blackboard and ensure all sections are completed without any omissions
– Please ensure all group member names and G-numbers are also included

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

– Introduce the entirety of the assessment task
– Provide brief background to the product/service which is the subject of the content
– Inform the reader of key market elements, current products available and the potential target audience

Creative Content
– Radio/Podcast Advert
o Please refer to the Assessment 2 – Briefing recording for information on what this should include
– Supporting content
o This may be any form of supporting content, but should be linked to the radio advert
e.g., social media post, email billboard poster etc.

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

Big Idea narrative and rationale
– Introduce both pieces of content and inform why they are relevant to promote the chosen
– Provide information on the radio/podcast channel on which the radio/podcast advert will be used (consider listenership and commonality between target audiences)
– Consider how the success of the content will be measured e.g., which relevant metrics will you use?
– Explain the key features of the content, consider tone of voice call to action etc.
– Provide insight into the design process and rationale for using the chosen forms of content e.g., why are these relevant to the chosen target audience
o Also define any limitations in detail
– Apply marketing theory including, but not limited to, the decision-making process and explain how each piece of content supports the process
o Also define any limitations in detail
– Provide insight into the limitations of the chosen content types, and the ability to engage the chosen target audience

MK3556 Creative Communication Assignment 2

– Provide any overall conclusion for the assessment

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