Module :- Introduction to Web and Database Concepts
Module code :- ACCA4023
Contribution to Over all Module Assessment (%):- 50%
Word count (or equivalent):- Typically 2000 – 2500 words
Module Learning Outcomes (from module syllabus)
• Demonstrate a systematic under standing and application of the fundamental
concepts technologies and standards required for building and rendering web pages.
ACCA4023 Introduction To Web And Database Concepts Assignment
In order to demonstrate your under standing of the standards concepts principles and practice required in the implementation of websites you are required to complete the tasks outlined below.
Task 1: Design and hand-code a website using web standards
1.Design and hand-code a responsive website that is made up a reasonable number of relevant and related pages using web standards.
You can code it in raw HTML/CSS from scratch, or you can base it around a frame work such as CSS Grid or Bootstrap etc.
How ever you must demonstrate your own design and customisation. You must not use a design package such as Dream weaver that generates the code for you.
Possible examples of websites include a site:
• for an organisation of your choice (which may or may not be fictitious in nature)
• to promote a personal interest or hobby, a favourite band, a town/city, etc.
2.Create a single compressed .zip file containing your completed Website files and upload to the specific upload link provided on Moodle. Your website should be viewable ‘stand alone on any PC simply by the user clicking the initial index.html file and should not rely on any development environment such as visual studio being installed.
Task 2: Report
You are also required to produce a specification report containing relevant
documentation describing your research and web development work.
This should be a single Word document file following the typical assignment report format with the following sections:
1. Title Page
• Containing your name, student number, course and the module name and the date
2. Table of Contents:
• Outlining all other sections making up the report
3. Introduction section
• An abstract: a short summary description of the contents of the report
4. Requirements section:
• A brief introduction to the website describing its purpose subject matter and the
intended target audience.
5. ‘Implementation’ section:
ACCA4023 Introduction To Web And Database Concepts Assignment
• Use some thing like the ‘snip tool’ and Include Screen grabs of all of the pages of the completed website (not the code).
Note :- If any of the pages are very long, it is okay to provide a cropped view showing a reasonable amount of content.
• Validation
You should validate both your HTML and CSS code of your completed website and provide the validation results. If you had any errors, provide a brief description of how you corrected the error. Where you are unable to correct the error, give a description of what you suspect the cause is. Please do not describe every single error in cases of repeated errors – a general statement will do!
6. Evaluation section:
a. Website usability, accessibility and search engine optimisation are all very important when analysing the quality of a website. Research each of these terms and describe each term and its role in web development in detail. For each term, your discussion should include at least one example of a relevant research study from a peer reviewed journal or conference paper relating to the term. For each example, summarise the study and its key findings.
You can use the university’s library website to assist you with finding academic references or alternatively some example websites you can use to find related studies include IEEE Explore ACM Digital Library, etc.
b. Provide an evaluation of your completed website as follows:
• Usefulness (usability and utility): Taking into consideration the design of your website evaluate its utility functionality usability (look and feel and ease of use and content information and provide recommendations for future improvements.
• Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Document the on-page SEO techniques applied to your website with examples of where and how these have been applied.
• Accessibility:
With reference to WCAG 2.1 evaluate and briefly discuss the accessibility of your implemented website with respect to the four main principles that provide the foundation for web accessibility. Examples of tools that may help you include the following (note – these are suggestions only and you are not required to use all of them!
o Visual Studio
o Browser Extensions (mostly work in Google Chrome and Firefox):
▪ aXe: The Accessibility Engine
▪ WAVE: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
▪ Tota11y: an accessibility visualization toolkit
▪ AI Inspector Sidebar (Firefoxonly)
1. Engagement with Literature Skills
Your work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused on the task(s) set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed an appropriate range of sources which may be academic governmental and industrial these sources may include academic journal articles textbooks current news articles organisational documents and websites. You should consider the credibility of your
sources academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require careful consideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use should be current and up to date mostly published with in the last five years or so though seminal important works in the field may be older. You must provide evidence of your research own reading throughout your work using a suitable referencing system including in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list at the end of your work.
2.Knowledge and Understanding Skills
At level 4 you should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles associated with your area(s) of study. Knowledge relates to the facts information and skills you have acquired through your learning. You demonstrate your understanding by interpreting the meaning of the facts and information (knowledge). This means that you need to select and include in your work the concepts techniques models theories etc. appropriate to the task(s) set. You should be able to explain the theories, concepts etc. to show your understanding. Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you demonstrate your knowledge and under standing.
ACCA4023 Introduction To Web And Database Concepts Assignment
3. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
You should be able to present evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data in order to develop lines of argument and make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of your subject(s) of study. You should be able to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems related to your area(s) of study and/or work. Your work must contain evidence of logical analytical thinking. For example to examine and break information down into parts make inferences compile compare and contrast information.
This means not just describing what! But also justifying: Why? How? When? Who? Where? At what cost? You should provide justification for your arguments and judgements using evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of others with in the subject area and that you are able to make sound judgements and arguments using data and concepts. Where relevant alternative solutions and recommendations may be proposed.
4. Practical Skills
At level 4 you should be able to apply the basic underlying concepts and principles to evaluate and interpret these within the context of your area of study. You should be able to demonstrate how the subject-related concepts and ideas relate to real world situations and/or a particular context. How do they work in practice? You will deploy models methods techniques and/or theories in that context to assess current situations perhaps to formulate plans or solutions to solve problems or to create artefacts.
This is likely to involve for instance the use of real world artefacts examples and cases, the application of a model with in an organisation and/or bench marking one theory or organisation against others based on stated criteria.
ACCA4023 Introduction To Web And Database Concepts Assignment
5.Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice
Your work must provide evidence of the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.
This includes demonstrating:
that you can communicate the results of your study work accurately and reliably and with structured and coherent arguments that you can initiate and complete tasks and procedures whether individually and/or collaboratively fluency of expression clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and organisation.
Assignment Marking Scheme
1.Engagement with Literature Skills
Marks will be awarded based on you demonstrating your engagement with literature skills as follows:
o Your research of website usability, accessibility, and search engine optimisation under the evaluation section.
o The use of appropriate reference sources to support your work.
o The correct use of the appropriate citation/referencing convention
2.Knowledge and Understanding Skills
Marks will be allocated based on your knowledge and understanding of Web standards as demonstrated by the outcome and interpretation of your validation and web accessibility testing and overall evaluation of your implemented website.
3.Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
Not applicable
4.Practical Skills
Marks will be awarded based on the appropriate use and quality of Web standards HTML and CSS implemented in the website. The overall design of the Website, including the design creativity and look and feel usability functionality and content information will also be taken into account.
You may be required to provide a demonstration of the implemented website.
5. Transferrable Skills for Life and Professional Practice
Marks will be awarded based on the written and presentational quality of the report.
This will be assessed based on the:
• Readability of the report.
• Written quality including spelling and grammar and the use of appropriate formal language.
• Structure and presentation of the report.
• Inclusion of all the requested material – listings in the appendices, screengrabs etc.