Module :- Software Solutions for Business
Module code :- ACCB4026
Contribution to Over all Module Assessment (%):- 50%
Word count (or equivalent):- Individual Power Point Presentation of an e- portfolio (2000 words equivalent.)
Weighting :- 50%
Mode of assessment :- Creating an e-portfolio with some assigned tasks and presentation of that e-portfolio in an individual oral Power Point presentation
The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to use a variety of software applications tools that are can be used to enhance the technology-based solution for the workplace/business. You can make suggestions with examples as to how those software solutions can improve the workplace e.g. in terms of enhancing productivity work flow communication decision-making etc. It is not necessary or essential but you can apply the tools to your own sphere of employment/future-employment-area
ACCB4026 Software Solutions For Business Assignment 1
As indicated in the task descriptions below each software area mentioned should first be explored before selecting and testing some features of a relevant application to provide evidence of practical use for each area this should not include actual live information or any information that may be private or of a sensitive nature.
but should be a simulation in order to demonstrate some practical application of the knowledge presented in the written element.
ACCB4026 Software Solutions For Business Assignment 1
You will need to create an online e-portfolio to include your answers to each of the following tasks. Then present your e-portfolio in an individual oral PowerPoint presentation.
Task 1. e-Commerce Website builders & e-Portfolio creation
a. Analyse several contemporary e-Commerce website software solutions. Research and document your answer using several reference sources
b. Create an online e-portfolio (using Wix/Weebly/Canva/Evernote/Google Sites/Blogger etc.) and include your answers to each of the following tasks.
Include your answer to this task on a page in your e-portfolio.
Task 2. Mind-map of contemporary software applications
• Create a mind map of contemporary software applications that are used to support day-to-day business Organisation operations. The mind map should include several citations and a reference list node (approx. 2/3 sources).
Include your answer to this task on a page in your e-portfolio.
Task 3. Office Applications for creating storing analysing & presenting information/data.
b. Test some business-related features (e.g., Mail merge VLOOKUP Pivot Table, Goal Seek, Data Analysis using Excel Database concept using MS Access) of two freely available Office Application of your choice and document several screenshots with brief accompanying description to provide evidence of practical use. Include your answer to this task on a page in your e-portfolio.
ACCB4026 Software Solutions For Business Assignment 1
Task 4. Communication and Collaboration applications.
a. Analyse several contemporary Communication (Email and others) and Online Collaboration Share Point Skype for Business MS Teams etc applications/tools used frequently in modern business world and document a summary of their key features using written text with some images and relevant citations.
b. Test some features of a freely available Communication (1) and Collaboration (1) application and document several screenshots with brief accompanying description to provide evidence of practical use. Include your answer to this task on a page in your e-portfolio.
Additional supporting information:
E-Portfolio Production & Submission:
• You can choose how to create your Online e-portfolio (e.g. You could use a free Online builder such as Wix Weebly Google Sites or a free Portfolio builder or an Office 365 App).
• IMPORTANT: Which ever method you choose you must ensure your tutor is able to easily view your portfolio online and all the task elements. To ensure your work is accessible by the module tutors for marking it is very important to sign out of the online applications used to create your work e-portfolio and task answer Applications and to try accessing them with the links you are providing in your presentation slide. For the work to be marked it must be available to the module tutors for marking.
Failure to do so can result in losing marks even failing the assignment.
• Your e-portfolio should have a welcome/title page and for assessment purposes should only include the elements outlined in the tasks above.
• If you are unable to include/embed any of the elements above, you can include links in the portfolio to allow the element to be viewed in another application.
• Submit your Power Point presentation along with the screenshots of your e-portfolio in a word document to Turnitin by the assessment submission date. Please do not forget to put the working link of your e-portfolio in that word document.