Subject Code & Title : ACCESS Health Graded Cell Division And Heredity
Word Count: 2000 Words
1.1 Explain the stages of mitosis and meiosis and the role of both types of cell division in human life cycle.
a. Explain using illustrated, annotated diagrams the stages of mitosis and meiosis.
b. Construct a table to clearly compare the differences between mitosis and meiosis.
ACCESS Health Graded Cell Division And Heredity Assignment – UK.
Cell Division And Heredity RH33MR062/WMY472
2.1 Perform monohybrid and dihybrid crosses including co-dominance and sex linkage.
Complete the questions on Monohybrid inheritance.
2.1.a. Assuming that both parent plants in the diagram below are homozygous, why would all of the f 1 generation have yellow pheno types? Explain and illustrate your answer with a punnett square.
2.1.b. In the diagram below, what accounts for the green pea seed in the f 2 generation? Explain and illustrate your answer with a punnett square.

Complete the following question on codominance
2.1.c. A woman with type A blood is claiming that a man with type AB blood is the father of her child who is type B.
Could this man be the father of the child? Evidence the possible crosses to illustrate your answer using punnet squares (include geno types, pheno types and ratios).
Assuming that he is the father, what must the mother’s geno type be?
2.1.d. A man with type AB blood is married to a woman with type O blood. They have two natural children and one adopted child. Jane has type A blood, Jordan has type B blood, and Marlin has type O blood. Which child was adopted? Evidence with an explained punnet squares (include geno types, pheno types and ratios).
2.1. Perform monohybrid and dihybrid crosses including co-dominance and sex linkage.
2.2. Analyse genetic pedigrees.
Pedigrees – autosomal dominant trait.
2.1 The pedigree tracks the occurrence of dimples through a family’s generation. Having dimples is an auto somal dominant trait.
2.1.e. If individual III-3 married a woman who was heterozygous for dimples, what is the percent chance their children will have dimples? Evidence/Illustrate this with punnet squares.
2.1 The pedigree below tracks Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) which is a X- linked recessive trait.
2.1.f. Evidence the geno type of the mother (I2)
2.1.g. If individuals I-1 and I-2 had another son, what is the chance that he would have DMD. Evidence/Illustrate this with punnet squares.
ACCESS Health Graded Cell Division And Heredity Assignment – UK.
2.1 Dihybrid crosses
2.1.h. According to Mendel’s principles, a dihybrid cross between two heterozygous fruit flies with brown bodies and red eyes (BbEe X BbEe) should yield offspring with nine possible geno types and four possible pheno types.Use genetic diagrams to analyse this dihybrid cross. Include the ratio of pheno types observed among the offspring.
2.1.i. In another example of Mendel’s independent assortment principle, a test cross between a heterozygous BbEe fly and a homozygous bbee fly will yield offspring with only four possible genotypes four possible pheno types.Use genetic diagrams to analyse this dihybrid cross. Include the ratio of pheno types observed among the offspring.
3.1 Explain how cancer arises from a loss of the limitation on cell division (see Assignment 2 Cell biology aspects of cell growth and division Q4)
3.2 Analyse continuous and discontinuous variation in the human population and how it arises from genetic and environmental factors.
ACCESS Health Graded Cell Division And Heredity Assignment – UK.
Explain using specific examples and using diagrams illustrations graphs the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation. You must include an explanation of the influence of genetic and environmental factors.
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