Assessment Guidelines :-
Learners of Edu Qual qualifications must complete the tasks given in the assignment brief approved by Edu Qual. Learners are able to request assistance from tutors about completing the tasks mark schemes and grade descriptors. Learners are expected to adhere to policies and guidelines set out by the centre which includes word page slide count and plagiarism collusion.
Accounting And Finance Assignment – Australia.

Learners are required to refer to the guidance notes and assignment brief in order to present an answer that would fall within the required context.
Learners must seek permission and advice when using organisational/business information that would be considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organisation’s consent is given, and anonymity is a given requirement of the organisation, then the learner must respect this.
Assessment Criteria and Mark Sheets
The assignment brief will include the mark scheme along with grade descriptors for learners to refer to if needed. The guidance notes before the assignment questions should be used for reference in order to ensure that learners are equipped with the information and formats required. Learners are requested to obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting information to clarify and help understand the requirements.
The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help learners identify how and where the marks have been allocated and allow them to structure their answers accordingly.
Word Count
It is mandatory that learners adhere to the specified word count given in the assignment brief within a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the page count depending on the task requirement, and although a word count may not be applicable for these, the page count must be adhered to at all times. All tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) will be considered a part of the assignment word count.
If the task requires learners to make a presentation, the word count will only be applicable to the notes provided. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in which case the learners are also required to adhere to this.
Back to Contents :-
Any supporting documents used to reinforce the learners answer need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices. Such supplementary material will equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information provided within the report. However, these will not be considered for grading nor as part of the word/page count.
All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts may be discounted, and the learner may have to resubmit his/her work for assessment pending revision/review of their work.
Referencing and Professionalism
To ensure that learners follow a professional stance at all times, they need to:
1. Use Harvard referencing for all citations and references (including in-text)
2. Use professional, formal English in presenting their work
3. Learners must refrain from writing in a first-person perspective (i.e. ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘Me’ etc. should not be used with in the answer).
Learners should bear in mind that considerable marks are awarded for format and presentation.
There fore referencing and professionalism will be assessed in every task.
Assignment 2: Keeping track of things
Task 1 constitutes 50% of the overall mark. Task 2 constitutes 30% of the overall mark. 10% of the over all marks are to be awarded for the application of critical thinking. 10% of the overall marks are to be awarded as indicated by Structure and Format in the Mark Scheme below.
You are a Senior Manager in the finance department of a large organisation. It has significant national coverage and has recently opened four new outlets in areas of the country that were not previously supported.
Following this recent expansion the organizations Board is concerned about the organisations auditing function and the ability to monitor financial activity.The Board has asked you to prepare a short report about various aspect of the auditing function. These are described in your tasks below.
Your work should include a brief introduction to an organisation of your choice that meets the above requirements.
Accounting And Finance Assignment – Australia.
Task 1
The Board are interested in the current audit practice and regulatory environment and how this has evolved.
a) Critically compare and contrast historical and current audit practices AND regulatory environments
b) Critically evaluate the application of the rules for professional conduct for auditors using examples from your chosen organisation
SA – LO 1 (pcs 1.1, 1.2)
LO 2 (pcs 2.1, 2.2)
Task 2
It is important that your report to the Board illustrates the importance of legal and professional requirements.
a) Explain the importance of legal and professional requirements using examples from your chosen organisation
b) Evaluate THREE key requirements for the performance of audit within your chosen organisation
c) Explain the link between preparation of accounts and the audit your chosen organisation will conduct
SA – LO 3 (pcs 3.1, 3.2)
LO6 (pcs 6.1, 6.2)
Assignment Word Count
Report word count: 3500 words
Assignment 2 b
Task 1 constitutes 30% of the over all mark. Tasks 2 and 3 each constitute 25% of the over all mark. 10% of the overall marks are to be awarded for the application of critical thinking. 10% of the overall marks are to be awarded as indicated by Structure and Format in the Mark Scheme below.
Following your report about the organisations auditing function and the ability to monitor financial activity the Board has asked you to deliver a presentation. Your presentation will focus on the following tasks and must include notes to support each slide.
Accounting And Finance Assignment – Australia.

Task 1
Present an analysis of auditing strategy in general Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the audit monitoring process using suitable examples (these may be from your chosen organisation or from other organisations)
SA – LO 4 (pcs 4.1, 4.2)
Accounting And Finance Assignment – Australia.
Task 2
Evaluate TWO risks for your chosen organisation involved in the process of auditing
Explain and evaluate appropriate measures that your organisation can take to minimise the risks you have identified
SA – LO 5 (pcs 5.1, 5.2)
Task 3
Critically assess TWO current developments in auditing
SA – LO 6 (pcs 7.1, 7.2)
Assignment Word Count
1. Maximum 20 slides
2. Word count for notes of 1500 words