Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Subject Code & Title : Appraising Evidence Based Practice
Length : 3,000 words
Assessment Type : Written assignment
This assignment is designed to test whether you have met the Learning Outcomes for this module which are listed in the module guide.
Moodle and are listed in the module guide.
1.Reflect on practice experience and identify questions that could be investigated through research
o Discuss the rationale for appraising the quality of evidence in mental health/learning disabilities
nursing practice
o Outline the steps involved in conducting research and audit and discuss how they can be conducted in a rigorous way to produce good quality evidence
o Discuss the main methods of conducting research in health and social care and the associated ethical and legal issues
o Demonstrate understanding of how different types of research and audit data are analysed and presented
o Use an appraisal tool to analyse the quality of a published research article and discuss its contribution to the evidence base for mental health nursing practice
Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment

Summative Assessment:
Written assignment
Written assignment based on an appraisal of a published research article relevant to the mental health to
include a discussion of the relevance of the research to practice. 3,000 words

Suggested approach :
1. Introduction (300-400 words would be appropriate)
2. Provide a clear statement of intent and signpost the essay (I.e. Tell the reader what you will be telling them in the body of your paper).
3. State why the topic is important to your field of nursing.
4. Outline the importance of the use of research in nursing, and appraising of research for evidence based practice.
5. Define key terms which are relevant to your essay – ensure the definitions are relevant to your essay content.

Critical appraisal of selected paper
1.Critique the research paper using the framework issued by the module leader identifying strengths and limitations of the study in relation to believ ability and robustness:
2. Believ ability Writing style, author credentials, title, abstract

3. Robustness
Research problem/purpose significance of study
Literature review
Study design/methods/philosophical underpinnings/theoretical framework/ aim/hypothesis
Ethical considerations
Data collection
Data analysis

Follow the step by step approach in conjunction with the research process to demonstrate your awareness and understanding of the research process. Make sure that you support your discussion with relevant references, identifying any implications of the issues identified.

1.Demonstrate that you have conducted an appropriate inspection of the literature related to this topic (research methods and use of evidence)

Usefulness of this research study :
Summarise the significant findings, showing where this study fits in to the wider evidence base on the topic (what the study was researching). This will help you to demonstrate wider reading and should show that you have undertaken an inspection of the relevant literature. Can the findings be translated into your field of nursing or midwifery or would it be difficult to implement the findings?

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Conclusion :
Conclude your essay by summarising the salient elements that you have discussed throughout this essay in a logical order. Look at the implications for current and future practice.

Throughout, your work you need to demonstrate :
1.Succinct writing: keeping within the word limit (3000 words)
2.Good presentation with correct grammar and spelling
3. Use of supporting references for the points that you make. At level 5, markers will expect to see supporting references including recently published ones from good quality journals not simply textbooks.
4.Correct referencing –this should follow university guidelines:

Introduction :
Is my introduction engaging to the reader?

Have I explained why evidence-based practice is important in healthcare delivery and nursing?

Have I explained that nurses need to be able to critically appraise different types of research literature in order to properly use research and provide EBP?

Have I explained why critiquing tools are useful for helping ensure that the care provided is based on research that is of good quality?

Critical appraisal of the chosen paper
Identify which paper you are about to critique and which critiquing tool you are using.

Believ ability and Background to the study

Have I identified what the study is about and why it has been done?

Have I considered whether the title is clear and whether it will help people searching online databases to find this particular study?

Have I considered the importance of whether the abstract is clear and correctly summarises the study and how well the abstract in this paper does in this respect?

Have I considered who has carried out the study and whether they have the necessary professional/academic background?

Have I explained why it is important for research to be conducted by people with the right skills and knowledge to do research on that particular topic?

Robustness of the Study :

Research Problem/ Purpose of the Study

Have I commented on whether the purpose of the study and the research question(s) is/are clearly stated?

Have I commented on why it is important for these to be clearly stated?

Have I commented on the significance of the research problem that this study is exploring?

Literature review :
Have I commented on the quality and currency (how up to date) of the literature review and whether the researchers have critically reviewed any other relevant research studies that have been carried out?

Have I looked at whether the researchers have missed out any useful literature or studies?

Have I commented on whether the researchers’ conclusions about the literature are justified and whether there was a need for them to carry out their study?

Study aim :
Have I identified whether the hypothesis (if there is one), the research question, purpose or main aim/objective for the study are clearly stated and appropriate? If they are not clear, have I explained why this is a problem?

Have I noted whether all of the terms in the study aim (etc) are clearly defined? (for example: if evaluating the quality of a particular data set – have they defined what quality measures are of interest, (e.g. accuracy, completeness, reliability), and how they will be measuring it?)

Study design :
Is there a clear philosophical underpinning or theoretical framework explained in this study?

Have I reviewed whether the study design (the methodology and method) is clearly described and justified? (in other words, is the design of the study appropriate for answering the research question)?

Have I commented on whether another design might have been more appropriate? If so, which design?

Study sample :
Have I examined who or what makes up the study population?

Have I commented on how the sample was chosen from the study population? Is this type of sampling convenient, random, purposive, volunteer or other? Was it appropriate or would another type have been better?

Have I considered the implications of using this sample? (e.g. do they represent the study population?)

Have I critiqued the size of the sample?

Have I commented on whether using this particular sample means that the findings can be generalised to other subjects/’population/areas?

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment

Data collection :
Have I commented on how the researchers obtained their information from the study sample? (Have they used questionnaires, interviews, observation or other? Have they described the format of their data collection tools?)

Regardless of whether the researchers have justified their choice of data collection tool, have I commented on whether their method of collecting data was appropriate or whether a better method or additional form(s) of data collection could have been employed?

If appropriate, have I commented on whether the researchers have outlined procedures for assessing the reliability (test-retest, internal consistency) and validity (eg. face, content, construct) of their data collection tools?

If they used interviews or focus groups, have I commented on the strengths and weaknesses of the approach used?

Have I critiqued the strengths and weaknesses of the researchers’ approach to data collection?

Ethical considerations :
Have I reviewed whether the research was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards expected within the UK? (Did the researchers obtain ethical approval for this study? Have they outlined any ethical procedures for the study such as informed consent from the study participants, confidentiality, protection from harm?)

Have I identified any ethical concerns about the study that have not been addressed by the researcher?

Study results :
Have I commented on how the results are presented? Are they easy to interpret and follow?
Quantitative data: Are there any tables, charts or diagrams present?
If yes are these accurate and are they easy to interpret?

Qualitative data: Are there any examples of the transcripts/narrative/quotations provided?
Have the researchers presented the data under themes?

Have I noted whether some of the results or data seem to be missing?

Data analysis :
Have I reviewed how the researchers have analysed their data?
a. If the data are quantitative have they used any statistical analysis?
Have the researchers used any computer software to carry out their analysis? (e.g.
EXCEL, SPSS) (i.e. descriptive statistics such as percentages, means (averages) and standard deviation)

Have I commented on any p-values that are given and discussed how they should be interpreted? Are confidence intervals given and have I commented on what level they have been set at?

Have I commented on whether the researchers carried out/should have carried out correlation tests?

If the researchers tested means (T-test or Mann Whitney U test) (ie compared two groups) have I commented on how the test is interpreted? Have I identified that t-tests are used for parametric data and the non-parametric equivalent is Mann Whitney U test?

Have I commented on any other statistical analyses that have been or should have been carried out by the researchers?

b. If the data are qualitative have they provided details of how the data were recorded i.e. taped and transcribed, hand written field notes? Have the researchers used any computer software to help carry out their analysis? (such as NUDIST or ETHNOGRAPH) Do they provide any details of how the data were coded, themed and/or categorized? (e.g. content analysis or thematic analysis). Have the researchers provided any details of how reliability and validity were established within the data analysis process (such as more than one person analyzing transcripts)?

Have I commented on the factors that affect qualitative data collection and interpretation such as novice researcher or strongly held views?

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment

c. If questionnaires or surveys were used, have I identified whether the researchers tested them for under standability, validity, reliability and internal consistency? Were they piloted?

In light of the above points about study results and data analysis, have I commented on whether the main findings of the study seem valid?

Discussion :
Have I reviewed whether the researchers discuss the findings in a balanced way or whether they show any bias?

Have I commented on whether they compare their findings to other research studies and how they match/differ?

Have I identified whether I consider that the researchers have answered their research question / aim / hypothesis etc?

Have I discussed the limitations of this study including those noted by the researcher(s) and those that I have identified? (eg. weaknesses in the study design, study sample or data collection/analysis procedures)

Have I commented on the practical implications of the study findings (including those noted by the researchers and those that I have noted?

Conclusion and recommendations :
Have I reviewed the conclusions and considered whether they are accurate and based on the study findings or whether the researchers go beyond the study findings?

Have I reviewed the recommendations (if any) for practice or for further research? (Are they robust, sensible, bland, unworkable?

Have I identified some possible recommendations for clinical practice or research that the researchers have failed to identify?

Overall assessment of the quality of the paper
Have I commented on how easy the study was to read and interpret?
Have I commented on the overall quality of the research as described in this paper?

Usefulness of this research study :
Have I considered how transferrable the research or the findings are to my clinical practice/work area? (consider differences in healthcare systems, working practices, sample etc).

Have I summarised the significant findings, showing where this study fits in to the wider evidence base on the topic (what the study was researching). This will help you to demonstrate wider reading and should show that you have undertaken an inspection of the relevant literature. Can the findings be translated into your field of nursing or midwifery or would it be difficult to implement the findings?

Have I identified whether it would it be difficult to implement the findings into practice?
Sometimes good research is not used to support evidence based nursing/midwifery because of problems relating to the person, ward/team, organisation or a lack of political will (eg to fund some treatments)

Have I drawn on published literature to support the points I have made?

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment – UK.

Appraising Evidence Based Practice Assignment

Conclusion :
Does my assignment have a clear conclusion? Have I summarised what this appraisal has done and how the study was relevant to current practice?

Have I considered what the next steps should be (eg. for individual practitioners, wards)?
These could take the form of recommendations.

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