Unit learning outcomes of ASS066-1 Understanding The Human Services Presentation Assignment
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the emergence and development of a professional/occupational group and its main changes and achievements in terms of policy, professional status, power, education and influence.
2) Analyse the relationship between a professional/occupational group and a service-user group with a protected characteristic (age, sex, sexual orientation, religion and belief, race and ethnicity, gender reassignment, marriage and partnership, disability, pregnancy and maternity).

What am I required to do in this assignment?
Assignment 2 is divided into 2 parts:
Part 1)
Groups up to 5 students will show how a service-user group with a protected characteristic has its needs responded to by different human-service professions/occupations (1 service-user group per group and 1 different human-service profession per student). Each student will choose a different human-service profession and will produce an individual film presentation.
In planning and organising your individual film presentation, each of you is required to do the following:
(a) outline the needs of a service-user group with a protected characteristic; According to the Equality Act 2010, there are 9 protected characteristics: age, sex, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race (colour, nationality, ethnic origin), pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership.
(b) analyse the relationship between a professional/occupational group and a service-user group with a protected characteristic;
(c) account for the role and main duties, responsibilities and tasks of the profession/occupation you have chosen, and the difficulties/frustrations and the eases/joys it has encountered, in developing a response to those needs – answer the following questions:
- Has the service-user group selected increased over time? If yes, why?
- How do the needs of a service-user group with a protected characteristic are met by a team of different professionals?
- What are the main duties/responsibilities of the professionals involved?
- What have the main challenges in dealing with this service-user group been?
- To what extent has the service-user group selected been discriminated?
- What arrangements would you have for improving equality and diversity?
Part 2)
Students will write a 500-word Individual Reflective Commentary providing an analysis of the strengths and limitations of their
performance in the individual film presentation. You should reflect on:
(a) What did I do well in my presentation?
(b) What could have I done better in my presentation?
(c) Did I speak clear and loud enough?
(d) Was my body language appropriate?
(e) Given the short allocation of time I had to talk, did I organise my script in a consistent and straightforward way?
(f) If I had to do the same task again, which aspects of my performance would I be trying to improve?