Unit learning outcomes :-
1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Demonstrate up to date knowledge and critical understanding of comparative social welfare and its application to policy analysis.
2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Critically review differing welfare approaches to an identified social need using feedback to develop and communicate your findings effectively within time constraints.
ASS068-2 Comparing Welfare Internationally Assignment – UK

What am I required to do in this assignment?
In this assessment you will under take a presentation online of no more than 10 minutes Supporting materials must be uploaded to BREO in advance of the presentation as specified at the beginning of this brief.
The presentation asks you to choose three countries and compare their welfare systems. It is your choice how you wish to structure your presentation, however you must consider the following things:
I. The development of your country’s welfare systems (very briefly)
II. The similarities and differences between the three countries you have chosen
III. The reasons for these similarities and differences
IV. Through out your presentation you should introduce theoretical ideas about the Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism and/or gendered ideas about welfare
You do not need to choose a country which has been covered in a lecture but you should choose from one of the regions that have been covered UK Europe North America Latin America China and East Asia Eastern Europe Australasia).
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
1.Compare and contrast the key features of the approaches to a specific area of need by the three countries with reference to theoretical models used in comparative analysis.
2.Identify the impact competing forces of globalisation and political cultural and institutional traditions have on provision of care welfare and support.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
This assignment asks you to understand, analyse and compare three welfare systems.
In order to access the best marks think carefully about the key aspects of the welfare systems you have chosen.
1. Is it liberal conservative social democratic or something else? Why?
2. How has the development of the welfare system affected how it works today?
3. In what ways is it similar and different to the other welfare systems you have chosen?

ASS068-2 Comparing Welfare Internationally Assignment – UK
How will you organize your time in the presentation? What are the key points you need to make about each welfare system? It will be difficult to discuss all aspects of three welfare systems so you may want to narrow your presentation down to talk about 1-3 areas (e.g. health care pensions unemployment support.
How will you present information to your audience? How will you use visual aids? Will you use Power point? Prezi? How will you make sure that you reference the points you are making consistently? You must use the Harvard referencing system through out your presentation!
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
All sessions cover relevant empirical and theoretical themes We will begin assessment preparation in Week 7 to give you lots of time to prepare your submission.