Unit title & code :- Inter professional Working in Health and Social care ASS114-2
Assignment number and title :- 1 CW-Ess
Assignment type :- CS Essay (Referral Assignment)
E Weighting of assignment :- 100%
Size or length of assessment :- 2000 words
Unit learning outcomes :- On completion of this unit, you should be able to:
1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
The process and context of inter-professional working and legislation and statutory guidance that informs inter-professional working
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Critically analyze and evaluate legislation and policy that guides inter-professional working

What am I required to do in this assignment?
The Case Study Essay is 2000 words +/- 10%: Evidence-Based Case Study
You will assume the role of Social Worker in a Case Scenario where you are required to develop a multi agency team to address identified needs and concerns in the case discuss multi agency working which should include an evaluation of legislation and policy and methods and models you used in the case study and using a reflective model evaluate your learning and ongoing learning needs that emerged from
undertaking the assignment.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assignment you must:
1.Identify the main concerns in the case study (what needs to be addressed?)
2.Identify legislation and statutory guidance that guides and informs your social work role in relation to the case study.
3.Identify what level of intervention is required in the case and why?
4.Identify up to three professionals you would invite to be part of a multi-agency team and give an overview of their role
5.Demonstrate knowledge of the Social Work role (its emergence into mainstream health and social care and how it is regulated)
6.Discuss the relevance of your role to multi-agency working within the context of the case study
7.Explain what approach you and your team take theories and models of social care and assessment and why?
8.Explain how you and your team include the voice of the service users
9.Set out each professional’s contribution to the multi-agency team care plan in addressing the concerns will you or other professionals in your team work collaboratively with any other professionals in the team to ensure a robust care plan that meets identified needs?
Provide a reflective discussion
The benefits and challenges of working as part of a Multi-Agency Team: Include the following:
10. What you learned about legislation and statutory guidance that informs multi agency working
11.Reflection on practice law to include evaluation of one of the pieces of legislation or statutory guidance in relation your role using research or case reviews to illustrate and/or back up your points
12. Reflection on methods and models to include evaluation of one of the social care models or approaches that you used in the case study how well does this support multi-agency working to meet the needs of vulnerable people?
Conclusion (using a self-reflective model)
13 What were the main points of learning in undertaking this assignment?
14 Include what you have identified as your on-going learning and development needs
15 What will you take forward from this assignment in relation to your plans for your future studies and career?
16 Provide a minimum of 8 references that are mostly from Literature books Journals Reports. Limit websites to 2 or 3
17 Referencing both in text and reference list must be in Harvard style
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
A. Ensure that you frequently check your work against the threshold criteria as you progress and do a final check before submitting your work
B. Start researching your role as soon as possible to get an understanding of legislation and role responsibility
C. Illustrate your points and discussion by drawing on research which you should write in your own words. Referring to journals case studies and serious case reviews enhance your work
D. Make use of the student study hub as soon as possible especially if you are not confident about academic writing or you need additional study support.
E. Pay attention to the structure of your assignment. Pay careful attention to the assignment brief
F. Follow the guidelines on BREO regarding Harvard referencing both in your text and construction of your reference list which must be presented in alphabetical order, and to minimize risk of plagiarism as this does impact on grades awarded
G. Make use of documents lecture slides and tools made available to you on BREO Unit shell.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
1.You will be a member of a group that will form a simulated inter-professional team where you will all work together collaboratively.
2.You and your group members will select a case-study, and each identify and assume a professional role relevant to the case study
3.Each week your lectures will cover a topic that is relevant to inter-professional working and each week in seminars you will be working in your group using the knowledge acquired from lectures and seminar activities.
4.A range of media films will be made available to support your learning and to help you and your group develop a realistic care plan relevant to your chosen case study. Your contribution to the inter-professional team and care-plan must be evident.
5.You will be encouraged to develop your research skills through independent and autonomous activities. This involves researching your professional role the tools you may use in that role and developing your under standing of inter-professional working in health and social care.
6.You will develop your under standing of models of critical reflection and evaluation of self and be able to demonstrate this in your assignment.