Unit title & code :- ASS117-2 The Contemporized Criminological Environment
Assignment number and title 1 :- Case Study
Assignment type :- Case Study
Weighting of assignment :- 100
Size or length of assessment :- 2000
Unit learning outcomes :-
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of the nature context and impact of crimes within the localized area.
2.Analyse the practice and consequences of offending within a range of Contexts and local environments.
ASS117-2 The Contemporized Criminological Environment Assignment – UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
The assessment is a written case study of an aspect of localized criminal activity demonstrating knowledge and awareness of the nature of localized offending and applying those theories to research an aspect or incident relating to crimes and/or perceived crimes. Students should focus on a topic of their choice and the student is encouraged to concentrate on an area of their interest. The student should confirm their topic with the tutor before beginning their research.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Apply theoretical and empirical frameworks drawn from criminology to discuss the causes, nature and responses to localized criminal activity.
Demonstrate the ability to research and analyse a specific aspect of crime that is theoretically and empirically informed.
Communicate this effectively in a written format that synthesises a range of information, making a coherent argument.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Present written argument that is focused reasoned evidenced,logically organized, appropriately concluded and referenced by a recognized system Harvard to address localized crimes; offending and/or perceived offending. You will be given feedback on your work and you will be able to gauge your strengths and address areas where you need to make improvements in your knowledge, analysis and communication skills. An extensive reference list should be produced demonstrating good knowledge of current criminological theory. Open source material should demonstrate relevance and understanding and sources should also reflect the required level of due diligence applied to non-peer reviewed academic material.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Scheduled sessions will demonstrate numerous; methods theories tools and approaches which will enhance your ability to conduct accurate and appropriate open desktop research.