Unit title & code :-Medical Microbiology and Immunology BHS002-2
Assignment number and title :- 01- Referral, Identification of clinical isolate (Medical Microbiology part)
Assignment type :- Portfolio type report
Weighting of assignment :- 25%
Size or length of assessment :- 3000 (expected 3000 words-Exclu. Tables and refs)
Unit learning outcomes :- 1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
1.Demonstrate understanding of the mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity and the role of the molecular and cellular components of the immune response in health and disease.
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Apply knowledge of microbiological techniques for culturing microbes and examining their morphology and physiology, and analyse the role of pathogens and/or inappropriately functioning immune responses in disease and illness.
BHS002-2 Medical Microbiology And Immunology Assignment 2 – Bedfordshire University UK.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Brief Description of Assessment Task
• You are given 4 case studies and pathogen associated. For your submission, you are expected to prepare a portfolio (one document) containing four short, independent clinical microbiology reports that each describes the sample source and relevant clinical details, lists the results of the expected tests and interprets/discusses the potential consequences of the results for the‘patients’. Your report MUST include references from the scientific literature
• This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of relevant microbiological tests used to culture and identify microorganisms
• Your submission should demonstrate your capability to appropriately present and analyse scientific data, by using scientific language and IT resources to effectively communicate your findings
• Your assignment should be structured in the format specified below and in the associated briefing material. References should be cited using UoB/Harvard format and should be submitted via BREO.
• You must ensure that your assignment is written in your own words AND that all information is cited/referenced appropriately. Do not copy from friends, lecturers, the protocol, websites, books, journal articles etc.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:
• Produce a scientific report according to expectations described in the assignment brief.
• Analyse experimental data relating to morphology, physiology and/or cultivation of microorganisms
• Discuss the mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity
BHS002-2 Medical Microbiology And Immunology Assignment 2 – Bedfordshire University UK.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Outline of Report Structure :-
This assignment brief explains the basic structure and requirements of your submission. Further specific guidance will be provided in a teaching session and/or on BREO.
Your assignment should be formatted as a portfolio (a single document) of four clinical microbiology reports. This means you write one short report for each organism, 1-4. Each Short Report Should Not Exceed 750 Words, so your whole portfolio should not exceed 3300 words (excluding tables & references). See BREO for an example of the layout. Each section should be clearly labelled. Clarity of English and presentation is essential throughout.
1) Introduction: Sample and clinical information
• Present the case study information given to you, including the patient details and symptoms
• What is the likely disease presented in the case study?
• What kind of sample do you request for identification?
• What is the sample collection technique routinely employed?
2) The expected Test Results
• How would you process this sample?
Discuss direct microscopy if necessary, inoculating into an enrichment broth, plating on selective and differential media.
• How would you identify the pathogen? What kind of (expected) test can be done for pathogen identification? The data can be presented in a table.
o Indicate Gram’s reaction of the pathogen
o Indicate simple biochemical tests such as catalase, oxidase, coagulase; positive or negative (Please note: API, MALDI and molecular tests can be discussed in your interpretation section). Please watch the test videos available on the BREO folder-‘Virtual Practical’
• Briefly state your test results. Ensure that you include information for each relevant test for each. As this is a short report used to convey information, you may not need to write full paragraphs of text.
3) Interpretation :-
You should discuss the meaning of your findings here in full paragraphs of text. Ensure that you relate the identity of each organism to the symptoms displayed by the patients. You MUST:
• highlight any risk factors or possible underlying issues in the patient profile, explaining WHY these could contribute to disease caused by the particular organism
• for each microorganism, give at least two examples of relevant virulence factors and explain how these enhance pathogenicity
• suggest any alternative or further tests that may be performed to conclusively identify the organism in question
• for each microorganism, suggest a suitable, specific treatment (This can be given in the culture and sensitivity report-section 4)
Your discussion should provide evidence of your ability to evaluate the role of pathogens and their pathogenicity in disease and illness.
4) Culture and Sensitivity report.
Produce a report based on your findings For eg., Moderate growth of Proteus vulgaris or Staphylococcus aureus
BHS002-2 Medical Microbiology And Immunology Assignment 2 – Bedfordshire University UK.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Lectures and tutorials will cover content related to this assignment. In the scheduled lecturer and tutorial sessions, students learn the theoretical part of this assignment such as microorganisms associated with a variety of diseases, virulence, pathogenicity and diagnosis and treatment. This practical session will provide an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding and skills in action.
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BHS002-1 Microbiology & Biochemistry Assignment – Bedfordshire University UK.