Unit title & code Medical Physiology and Human Nutrition, BHS003-2
Assignment number and title REFERRAL Determination of Blood Pressure and Lung Function
Assignment type Written practical report
Weighting of assignment 25%
Size or length of assessment 2000 words
Unit learning outcomes:1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
a.Demonstrate understanding of fundamental physiological processes and homeostasis, and apply knowledge of laboratory haematology techniques to analyse health and disease
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
b.Apply knowledge of various physiological and haematological laboratory techniques to the assessment of human health and disease and/or blood transfusion
BHS003-2 Medical Physiology And Human Nutrition Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are provided with information about two experimental studies (Measurement of blood pressure and Measurements of lung capacity
and volumes) in this referral assignment brief. This includes data that you must analyse and interpret.
You must answer the questions set out in this referral brief about these two experimental studies. These questions require you to source appropriate information from the scientific literature, analyse and interpret data, draw conclusions and relate them to human physiology.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass this assignment, you will need to:
- Produce a scientific report according to expectations described in the assignment brief.
- Demonstrate understanding of relevant laboratory physiological techniques and their clinical importance in the practical and/or report
- Show knowledge of physiological systems and homeostasis
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
You are asked to hand in a portfolio containing 2 reports of 1,000 words each; one for Blood Pressure and one for Lung Function. Each report should be clearly labelled with the appropriate heading. Within each report you must fully answer the questions set below (Blood pressure Q1-5 and Lung capacity Q6-10). Make sure that you number your answers clearly with the question number. In addition, the portfolio should include a list of references. Ensure that you carefully follow the instructions in this document, and use the data provided, to prepare your reports.
BHS003-2 Medical Physiology And Human Nutrition Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

Blood pressure practical (Q1-5 approx. 1000 words excluding legends and references) Questions to be answered in your report
1.Discuss the role of arterial blood pressure in human physiology, the importance of measuring it and the main factors influencing it.
2.Use the data provided in the document with the title ‘BP data’ to calculate the mean ± standard deviation for the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) measured by sphygmomano meter and electronic blood pressure meter. Use statistical analysis to compare SBP and DBP measured by the two different types of equipment. Discuss the role of standard deviation in reflecting repeatability of the measurement.
3.Use the data provided in the document with the title ‘BP data’ to find out if exercise has influenced blood pressure. What is the explanation for this?
4.Use the data provided in the document with the title ‘BP data’ and relevant statistical analysis to find out if there is correlation between Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Body Mass Index (BMI). Present MAP and BMI in a scatter plot. Discuss your findings.
5.Use the data provided in the document with the title ‘BP data’ to find out if the caffeinated beverage has affected the MAP of the study group. Provide a physiological explanation of the observed findings.
Lung capacity practical (Q6-10 approx 1000 words, excluding legends and references)
Questions to be answered in your report
6.Discuss the gas exchange taking place during external and internal respiration. Compare the events associated with quiet and forceful
7.Explain the purpose of measuring Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) rate and use statistical analysis to compare PEF measured by peak flow meter and spiro meter using the data provided in the document with the title ‘LC data’.
8.Use statistical analysis to compare Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) in short and tall subjects. For this analysis use the data provided in the document with the title ‘LC data’. Present your data in a bar chart. Explain physiologically the potential differences of the two groups.
9.Use the data provided in the document with the title ‘LC data’ related to minute ventilation at rest and after exercising, to describe the physiological background of the observed changes.
10.Based on the data included in the document with the title ‘LC data’, which exercise group (light or moderate) showed the greatest change in oxygen saturation level from resting level? Explain your observations.
BHS003-2 Medical Physiology And Human Nutrition Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The assignment will document the findings of the two datasets and will communicate their significance. The assessment will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate a sound understanding and knowledge of the principles of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, covered in relevant lectures of the unit