What am I required to do in this assignment?
The experiment was performed to measure the effect of different doses of cyclopentolate as an antagonist of muscurinic acid receptor on mouse ileum. Analyse the data shown in the table 1 and answer the questions associated with it. (100%).
BHS004-2 Referral Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

Table 1: Effect of different doses of cyclopentolate on mouse ileum

Unit learning outcomes:
1.Demonstrate understanding of the molecular, cellular and physiological basis of drug action, and apply the knowledge to the clinical treatment of human diseases.
2.Appraise the peer-reviewed scientific literature to identify a current research need and construct a novel proposal to address that scientific need.

The aim of this referral is to calculate a pA2 value for cyclopentolate.
1.Using Microsoft Excel, plot concentration-effect curves for muscurinic acid-induced contractions of mouse ileum in the presence and absence of the three concentrations of cyclopentolate.
2.From the concentration-effect curves, determine the ED50 values for muscurinic acid. Is the maximum response produced by muscurinic acid depressed in the presence of cyclopentolate ?
3.Then calculate equipotent concentration ratios (ECR).
4.Now plot the negative log of the antagonist concentration (x-axis) against the log of the (ECR-1).
5.Calculate the pA2 value.
6.Also measure the slope of the regression.
7.Your report should include brief introduction, the graphs, a table of results and all calculations used to answer the above questions and a discussion (1500 words excluding references).
Outline Of Report Structure
Your report should contain four sections: Introduction, Results, Discussion and References. Each section should be clearly labelled. Clarity of English language and presentation is essential throughout.
This section should represent 30% of your report. It has to explain what the simulated experiment of the practical is about, and state the scientific aim of the study. Describe the pharmacology of receptor agonists and different types of receptor antagonists by using relevant literature.
This section should represent 25% of your report. Data should be presented in tables. A graph should be provided to show the dose response curves with ED50. You will draw 4 dose-response curves in the same graph (one for the agonist only, and the other three curves for the agonist + different concentrations of antagonist). A graph for the pA2 value should also be presented. You have to include all calculations for the pA2 value (i.e. DR values, log (DR-1) and –log antagonist concentrations). The graphs should be prepared using Excel. The figures and tables should be separately numbered and clearly labelled. You should add figure legends to each figure. The Results should describe your findings/observations, but not interpret their meaning.
This section represents 35% of your report. You should interpret your results; explain what your results indicate referring to the pharmacology of receptor agonists and antagonists. In this section you need to include the discussion of an agonist or antagonist drug of the cholinergic neurotrans mission, describing its mechanism and the adverse effects in relation to the disease it is used to treat.
The completed lab report should have a top page giving your student number, unit code and assessment number, and the word count of
your report (excluding references). It should be submitted via BREO by 10am on above mentioned date. Failure to submit your report by this
time, or non-attendance at the laboratory practicals without mitigation, will result in a G/0 grade.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Demonstrate appropriate analysis of given data
- Produce a scientific report according to expectations described in the assignment brief.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
A high quality report, should
BHS004-2 Referral Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

- be created electronically using Microsoft word and contain graphs created electronically using Excel
- contain a title page giving the assessment title, unit code, assessment number, your student number and your final word count (excluding references)
- contain appropriately labelled tables and figures referred to in the main text
- contain appropriate examples of how calculations were performed
- Follow the word-limit requirement (1500 max excluding references)
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
This assignment is bas is directly related to the taught element delivered during lectures. More specifically, lectures related to drug delivery, drug-receptor activation, pharmaco kinetics and pharma codynamics.
BHS004-2 Referral Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.
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