Unit learning outcomes:
1.Demonstrate a depth of knowledge in the application of computational techniques to the modelling of structural and functional aspects of biological systems. Such an understanding will cover both Molecular and Systems levels of modelling.
2.Show a critical awareness of the limitations of the techniques such as sequence alignment,homology modelling and systems modelling and apply these methods to model systems.
BHS008-6 Computational Biology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You will carry out two practicals
1.In the first you will carry out a model sequence alignment, which demonstrates the application of the dynamic programming technique. You will then use the NCBI server to align two related sequences. Finally, you will map the sequence alignment data onto the three-dimensional structure of one of the proteins.
2.In the second session you will use the molecular graphics package Swisspdb viewer to address a number of questions relating to the structure and function of a family of enzymes. This will introduce you to a number of graphical modelling techniques and will illustrate how proteins can be represented computationally (see protocol document)
Following the practical sessions you will be expected to produce a laboratory report detailing your findings across both sessions. The report should be no more than 2500 words. Excessive word counts will negatively affect grading. The lab report should be structured like a research article in a scientific journal (see details below).
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Demonstrate the ability to carry out modelling tasks including sequence alignment and the use of molecular graphics Produce a written report in the form of a scientific paper that discusses the content of the practical sessions
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Outline Of Report Structure
Your lab report should contain five sections; Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References. Each section should be clearly labelled. Clarity of English language and presentation is essential throughout.
This section should typically represent 20-30% of your report. It should summarise the published background literature relevant to this study. It must explain what your experimental study is about, and place it in context of the previously published literature. It should state the scientific aim of the study.
BHS008-6 Computational Biology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

This section should typically represent 10% of your report. It should briefly summarise how the practical work was carried out. It should be written in the past tense and in paragraphs. It should contain sufficient detail to allow someone else to reproduce your experiment, but avoid unnecessary detail.
Results and discussion:
This section should typically represent the remaining 60-70% of your report. Data may be presented in tables, graphs, diagrams, or photographs as appropriate for your particular experimental study. Figures and tables should be separately numbered, and be clearly labelled. You should include written text to explain what your findings are and what is shown in the figures and tables. Results should describe your findings/observations, but not interpret their meaning. In the discussion you should interpret your results, explaining what they indicate. You should evaluate the quality of your data. You should identify any problems with the technique or data (if any exist) and suggest possible solutions. You should compare your findings to previously published findings or your expected findings, and should place your results in the context of published scientific literature. Your discussion should also include a reflection on your performance within the practical. What insights did you gain from the practical sessions; what problems did you have to overcome etc.
You should include at least three peer-reviewed scientific journal articles or textbooks as sources. These should be listed in correct UoB/Harvard format in a single reference list.
BHS008-6 Computational Biology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The assignment tasks are based upon the direct application of techniques that have been discussed in lectures. In addition, you will be expected to gain insight into the biological problem
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