Brief Description of Assessment Task : BHS013‐3 Assignment 2 : Biomedical Science Research

  • You will produce a project diary that outlines the daily tasks carried out during your dissertation. It will also act as a laboratory notebook for your Laboratory Project.
  • You will produce a short reflective statement (1000 words maximum) on your project experience.

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Reflection exercise: Graduate attributes (BHS013‐3 Assignment 2)


Graduate attributes are essential to your future employability. They describe what you are expected to know, value and be able to do at the time of your graduation. Consider how you will be able to evidence these.

  • Graduate Attribute 1. Professional discipline competencies

Graduates are expected to be able to apply conceptual, theoretical and practical discipline knowledge in a changing environment to the required professional standard.

  • Graduate Attribute 2. Communication skills

Graduates are expected to be able to communicate effectively with a range of people in a variety of settings using a variety of modes and media.

  • Graduate Attribute 3. Practice in a professional environment

Graduates are expected to be able to work safely and effectively on their own, and as a member or leader of a team in a multidisciplinary work environment.

  • Graduate Attribute 4. Sense of enquiry and commitment to life‐long learning

Graduates are expected to be able to assess evidence about innovations, solve problems and learn new skills in their profession, supporting an intellectual curiosity and commitment to continuous learning.

  • Graduate Attribute 5. Ethical and socially responsible decision making

Graduates are expected to be able to make ethical and socially responsible decisions.

Describe how these are demonstrated in the Dissertation?

Describe how these are demonstrated in the Lab Project?

Describe how these demonstrated in the lab diary / formative work / reflection?

Guidance on reflection

Things to consider : BHS013‐3 Assignment 2 : Biomedical Science Research (Project Diary, Reflection)

  • What is interesting about what you are doing?
  • How have you benefited from what you have been taught?
  • Did you understand the process and instructions given?
  • How did you use the information you were given before assessments to improve your work?
  • Did you understand feedback you were given?
  • How did the details of feedback help you improve?
  • Did you arrange regular meetings with your supervisor to receive feedback?
  • How did you benefit from their advice