Unit title & code Analytical Methods BHS013-6
Assignment number and title Assignment 1 Applications of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in biotechnology.
Assignment type Electronic BREO
Weighting of assignment 20%
Size or length of assessment 2000 words excluding reference list
BHS013-6 Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance In Biotechnology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

Unit learning outcomes:
1.The first core learning outcome requires that on completion of the unit you should be able to demonstrate a systematic understanding of measurement techniques in the biotechnology context.
2.The second core learning outcome requires you to demonstrate the ability to evaluate peer- reviewed literature.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Assignment 1 requires you to review the scientific literature and produce a concise and comprehensive literature review of an aspect of analytical science at the forefront of biotechnology.
On this occasion you are required to prepare a literature review on the following topic:
Applications of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in biotechnology?
The word limit of the report is 2000 excluding references.
Guidance on the content of this literature review is given below and will be further discussed in a tutorial in weeks 6 and 8.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Undertake a substantial investigation of the peer-reviewed literature to identify and select relevant materials on an agreed research topic.
- Recognise important themes within the identified topic
- Produce a literature review of the research topic according to expectations described in the assignment brief
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Outline of Literature Review Structure
BHS013-6 Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance In Biotechnology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

The report must contain at the top of the first page: your student number, the unit code and assignment number, and the word count (excluding references). The main body of the review should contain the following:
- A short introduction to the topic – including explicit statements of your methodology for searching the published literature, and the aims and objectives;
- Two or more sections on different themes with respect to applications of SPR in biotechnology. Include at least ten peer-reviewed original research articles published in period 2010-2021. Review articles may be used as a basis to guide you to appropriate primary research and as sources that summarise key findings;
- A conclusion that summarises the main findings; and
- A reference list that contains the full information for each of the citations within your text. The reference list must only contain sources that have been cited appropriately in the main text using correct format, e.g. (Lanigan, 2011). You must use the instructions for formatting references that can be found here:
The word limit is NOT a target for the required number of words. A shorter, well written review with a reasonable coverage of the subject is likely to attract a higher grade than a longer report containing an unnecessarily large number of words. Where the submitted report exceeds the limit by more than 10 %, University regulations allow the additional material to be unmarked and for the work to be marked down.
Illustrations must be given a figure number and a short descriptive title. Each figure must be cited in the main text. For example, “…the location was convenient for the town centre, Fig. 1”. Where such illustrations are copied or adapted from other people’s work then this must be made abundantly clear.
General writing support is available centrally through Study Hub. Support for literature searching and use of LRC resources is supported on an individual basis by the academic liaison librarian Janine Bhandol
Students are strongly advised to use professional reference management software to store reference details and format corresponding in-text citations and the reference list. The academic liaison librarian can provide
support for Ref Works software that is freely available to students in the School of Life Sciences.
You MUST NOT copy any text from any sources, even if you cite the source – you must write about what you have read in your own words. – this is very important. Students are reminded of their responsibilities concerning academic integrity and that plagiarism (the use of others’ words, published or unpublished, and failing to acknowledge the influence of another’s
work or attribute quotes to the author) is a serious academic offence. This is an individual assessment, so collusion is also an academic offence.
Additional clarification may be posted in the BREO.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
BHS013-6 Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance In Biotechnology Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

The assessment will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate an independent research and critical thinking on how to present data via written report and become familiar with word processing and referencing.
This assessment will also give you opportunity, to understand in more details the fundamental principles and application of detection and measurement technique such as optical method “surface plasmon resonance” covered in the relevant lectures of the unit.
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