BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment – Bedfordshire University UK.

Subject Code & Title : BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health
Assignment Number And Title: Referral – Assessment 1 Coursework
Assignment type: CW-CS
Weighting Of Assignment: 40%
Size Or Length Of Assessment: 4000 words
Unit Learning Outcomes : 1.Demonstrate understanding of how pharmacological principles are translated into effective treatments in a clinical setting, and understand the impact of modern medicine on public health and society in general.
2.How to correlate pharmacological principles with the use of pharmaceuticals in clinical practice and correlate public health policy strategy implementations with their effects on society
BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment – Bedfordshire University UK.

BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to prepare an extended piece of coursework (up to 4,000 words) in which you select the treatment of
Tuberculosis therapy and rationalise its routine implementation in a primary care setting emphasising its impact on improving Public Health

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Carry out a literature review on the treatment of tuberculosis in the UK, which will be set as a question

Produce an essay that covers the physiology of the disease and the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for that disease. This must be linked to how this supports an improvement in Public Health.

Construct a cohesive argument which answers the set question

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
You are required to prepare an extended piece of coursework (up to 4,000 words) in which you select the treatment of
tuberculosis and rationalise its routine implementation in a primary care setting emphasising its impact on improving Public Health in the UK

BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment – Bedfordshire University UK.

BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment

o Describe the disease(s) physiology and diagnostic tests.
o Describe the incidence rate of the disease(s) in the UK and worldwide.
2. Main – pharmacology
o Describe the main drug treatments for your chosen disease from the UK guidelines (NICE / SIGN guidelines)
o Use one drug from each class as an example to describe the pharmacological pathways that it acts upon.
o How effective is the treatment?
3. Main – Public Health
o Describe the main non-drug treatments
o What UK government policy/ campaign has been used for this disease?
o How effective has the public health message been and could it be improved?
4. Summary
o Short summary of the introduction and main sections to answer the question in the title
o It is expected that you will include at least 15 references in the university approved style. All references must be
appropriately cited in text and listed in the required format

The completed report should include your student number, unit code and assessment number, and should be submitted via BREO by the deadline mentioned above. Failure to submit your report to BREO by the deadline without approval from the mitigation team will result in a FAIL grade.

You MUST NOT copy any text from any sources, even if you cite the source – you must write about what you have read in your own words. – this is very important. Students are reminded of their responsibilities concerning academic integrity and that plagiarism (the use of others’ words, published or unpublished, and failing to acknowledge the influence of another’s work or attribute quotes to the author) and taking external help in report writing is a serious academic offence. This is an individual assessment, so collusion is also an academic offence.

BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment – Bedfordshire University UK.

BHS028-2 Pharmacology And Public Health Assessment

Word limit
The literature review should not exceed 4000 words. Excessive word counts will negatively affect grading

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The assignment tasks are based upon the direct application of the knowledge that has been discussed in lectures within the context of a completed piece of scientific research. In addition, you will be expected to gain insight into how pharmacology links with Public Health.

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