MODULE TITLE : Special Topics in Biotechnology
TITLE : Essay Assignment
LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED: K1. Explain the molecular basis of approaches used in specific areas of plant and yeast biotechnology;
K2. Explain how this knowledge may be used to solve problems in Biotechnology;
K4. Make reasoned predictions and evaluations of possible future scientific and commercial developments in plant and yeast biotechnology;
K5. Discuss the environmental implications of biotechnology.
S3. Demonstrate advanced understanding and communication
BIOL40321 Special Topics In Biotechnology Essay-Nottingham Trent University UK.

NOTE: The usual University penalties apply for late submission and plagiarism. Please consult your student handbook for further details.
Work handed in up to five working days late will be given a maximum
Grade of Low Pass whilst work that arrives more than five working days
will be given a mark of zero.
Work will only be accepted beyond the five working day deadline if
satisfactory evidence, for example, an NEC is provided. Any issues
The University views plagiarism and collusion as serious academic
irregularities and there are a number of different penalties which may be
applied to such offences. The Student Handbook has section on
Academic Irregularities, which outlines the penalties and states that
plagiarism includes:
‘The incorporation of material (including text, graph, diagrams, videos etc.) derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another, by unacknowledged quotation, paraphrased imitation or other device in any work submitted for progression towards or for the completion of an award, which in any way suggests that it is the student’s own original work. Such work may include printed material in textbooks, journals and material accessible electronically for example from web pages.’
Whereas collusion includes:
“Unauthorised and unacknowledged copying or use of material prepared
by another person for use in submitted work. This may be with or without their consent or agreement to the copying or use of their work.” If copied with the agreement of the other candidate both parties are considered guilty of Academic Irregularity.
Penalties for Academic irregularities range from capped marks and zero
marks to dismissal from the course and termination of studies.
BIOL40321 Special Topics In Biotechnology Essay-Nottingham Trent University UK.

To ensure that you are not accused of plagiarism, look at the sections On Plagiarism support and Turnitin support.
I. Assessment Requirements
Remember to introduce the topic, have a main content section, and then a summary paragraph. Sometimes it helps to use sub-sections with appropriate headings, to split material up in a logical way. This can help you organise the material, and also helps the reader remain focussed. Always refer to Tables and Figures in your written text, so that they are truly part of the work.
Remember to introduce the topic, have a main content section, and then a summary paragraph. Sometimes it helps to use sub-sections with appropriate headings, to split material up in a logical way. This can help you organise the material, and also helps the reader remain focussed. Always refer to Tables and Figures in your written text, so that
they are truly part of the work.
BIOL40321 Special Topics In Biotechnology Essay-Nottingham Trent University UK.

1.Remember to introduce the topic, have a main content section, and then a summary paragraph. Sometimes it helps to use sub-sections with appropriate headings, to split material up in a logical way. This can help you organise the material, and also helps the reader remain focussed. Always refer to Tables and Figures in your written text, so that they are truly part of the work.